Snippet's from yesterday's Virtual Open House. Davies station wood roof looks so amazing!


I had forgotten about the intricacies of the wood ceiling application to the Station, awesome!

The Station’s wood roof will be comprised of 15,498 pieces of timber.

The material for the roof was procured by City Lumber, shipped to the Coronet Road mechanic shop (that was modified into a controlled paint shop) and then painted by United Supreme. All are Edmonton-based businesses.

The wood finishing process starts with laying the timber out in the paint shop to dry prior to preparation and coating. The timber is prepared with minor sanding and buffing, a moisture content measurement is taken to ensure the timber does not exceed the moisture content specified. Once that is complete, the wood is then coated on three sides and left to cure while another set of timber is prepped and buffed.

After 24 hours, the wood is flipped, and the final side is coated. The staining process is then repeated for the second coat. Once complete, the lumber is bundled and delivered to Davies Station for installation by the trained TransEd crews. The curing process takes 48 hours to complete the required two coats.

Davies Station will have a 1,300-parking stall Park & Ride. Valley Line Southeast will be open to the public as early as possible in 2021.

Not a lot of new/exciting information give by TransEd during this open house. Lots of repetition with the other talks & still being conservative with their opening deadlines, which is fine for now.
A couple of questions I asked regarding the Tawatina bridge lighting & pedestrian crossing, just for confirmation.

-The bridge lighting will be understated (nothing like the High Level) - It will be lit from the bridge deck shinning up the stay cables & from below the deck shinning down on the SUP. I think that will look great, classy.

-The SUP suspended under the bridge will be ready relatively soon but not able to be opened to the public until a lot of the work at both ends is completed. Such as the river berms and restoration of the parks, removal of construction laydown yard, geotechnical, reforestation, constructing the trail system, etc. The timing of everything has its challenges. They are still stating a late summer/ fall timeline (but I sure hope we can use the SUP bridge sooner than "passenger ready day" if it gets down to that.
I've passed that truck for a few weeks now when on my way home from work. I've never seen it in action, so I'm not sure what exactly it does. What's the flatbed for?

This afternoon while passing through Avonmore, I learnt that the flatbed is a scissor lift deck truck, so not just for lunch box storage, haha.
I want one.
2021-04-13 158.JPG

By the Bonnie Doon stop
2021-04-13 146.JPG

Approaching 76 ave
2021-04-13 151.JPG
This afternoon while passing through Avonmore, I learnt that the flatbed is a scissor lift deck truck, so not just for lunch box storage, haha.
I want one.
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By the Bonnie Doon stop
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Approaching 76 ave
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That makes sense, I thought it looked a bit heavy duty to just be a box! Thanks for following up! On another note, I always enjoy looking out for folks who look at the camera in these pictures; I wonder what goes through their minds when they see us taking pictures 😆
The following was approved without debate by the Executive Committee:

1. That Administration prepare an unfunded service package for consideration by Council during the 2021 Spring Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment deliberations, to increase service level operations for the Valley Line Southeast to Service Level 8.

2. That Attachment 2 of the April 12, 2021, City Operations report CR_6778, remain private pursuant to section 16 (disclosure harmful to business interest of a third party) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Here's the full report
From this afternoon, I hadn't noticed these cool railings up on the flyover over Argyll before, nor this cool rig.
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The SUP and bank stabilization
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The view around Connors road. The stormwater pond looks almost ready for a storm.
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Beautiful pictures as always! I wasn't able to snap a picture on my way home, but the railings were installed last week. I think I first saw them on Tuesday.
