My eyes could be deceiving me, but it also looks like the maps only show the Valley Line itself, and presumably indicate where folks can transfer to the other lines. In my opinion, this makes much more sense than crowding the linear station maps with every line. I was worried that the city would go this route since that's what is currently done with the Capital and Metro lines. At least this way, the current signs will just need to be touched up rather than completely replaced. I wonder if the maps inside the trains will look similar, since the different rolling stock styles (low vs high floor) means that the existing trains can't go on the new line anyways, and vice versa.
yup. I got a couple photos today, but I can't get them off my phone (any hints on how to get an iphone to sync with a mac? this has been an issue for a couple weeks lol) but the maps show the Valley Line, and then just Churchill and Central with the Metro and Capital lines. basically the Valley Line is shown as a straight line, with the two other lines swooping in on the corner.
i think it works for the large signs here, a full map would go well on a wall somewhere nearby.
Taken today May 28. Almost done the millwoods stop.
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OMG the station is looking so good! 🤩 Please let me ride the train already 🥲

I also like the way the maps are done here too, being linear and showing transfers instead of cramming in the whole system (maybe having one full system map at certain stops). At Churchill it'd be cool if they installed a giant system-wide map in the connector and in other parts of the station imo.
^Thanks for sharing photos!
I was by there today. All i want to add is that the Valley Line is a lovely forest GREEN on the maps.

Edmonton got a green line before Calgary. It's petty. I'm trash. I'm sorry.
(not really)

It really does look great though, a LOT of new landscaping and planting going in. very excited for this thing to get done.
Yeah! We get a Green Line first.

It might be too much to hope for, but perhaps common sense may prevail and eventually we will start calling it the Green Line to correspond with the colour on the maps.

The Valley Line is such a generic, meaningless term, as the Capital and Metro lines also go through the river valley too.
Yeah! We get a Green Line first.

It might be too much to hope for, but perhaps common sense may prevail and eventually we will start calling it the Green Line to correspond with the colour on the maps.

The Valley Line is such a generic, meaningless term, as the Capital and Metro lines also go through the river valley too.


Say what you will about the name "Valley Line", but how is it more meaningless than "Green Line"?? At least the name Valley is significant in the context of our city, green is a just the name of a colour.
Tawatina (sorry for lack of accenting) is sure coming along. Guy I talked to at American Bridge a month or two ago was saying by the fall they should be 99% done and demobing. Woooo.
I think explaining "red", "blue" or "green" lines might be easier than Capital, Metro or Valley lines.
