Do they not need to be differentiated though? The Valley Line “stop” is technically not inside the building and you are needing to go up 2 levels, exit the building, go outside and walk to the stop (even though it is right outside the doors).

Think about it from the perspective of someone that‘s new to our city that has never used the LRT and is trying to navigate around. If it’s rolled all into one “Churchill Station” or “Churchill Square,” I think it could get very confusing quite quickly for anyone trying to find their way.

Churchill Square, Churchill Station, and Churchill Stop are all different physical locations. Yes they are connected and in relatively close proximity, but they aren’t the same place.

As for the rest of the line, I think calling the destination exactly and accurately what it is will always be the smart choice (ie. station/stop).

Are you getting off at the Bonnie Doon? Where in Bonnie Doon? The Bonnie Doon Mall? The Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre? The Bonnie Doon Value Village? Nope. You’re getting off at the Bonnie Doon Stop.

Though I am curious - as the Valley Line is the first line in our city to use stops, will the announcement still use the “Next Stop: _” format? It will sound kind of odd as “Next stop: Bonnie Doon Stop“ so maybe they’ll drop the “stop“ anyways or just reword it Somehow.
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I don't think adding the word stop, commonly used related to buses is going to help resolve any confusion. The word is at best surplus or redundant. I think the key is to focus on which line a person is on.

Fortunately, Churchill Square is not so huge a person can probably navigate around it without too much trouble most of the time, but it can be a problem if someone just has a few minutes or the LRT station is busy (which sort of includes the new Valley Line, but at a separate location).

As for Bonnie Doon, yes the destination matters, but as there is only one LRT location nearby, I suppose calling it Bonnie Doon would suffice for simplicity. I think as is is fairly close to the mall, it might make more sense to call it Bonnie Doon Mall.
It's one 'stop' with two lines and so you follow a colour change in most cities from the blue to the pink lines at Churchill Station.
Do they not need to be differentiated though? The Valley Line “stop” is technically not inside the building and you are needing to go up 2 levels, exit the building, go outside and walk to the stop (even though it is right outside the doors).

Think about it from the perspective of someone that‘s new to our city that has never used the LRT and is trying to navigate around. If it’s rolled all into one “Churchill Station” or “Churchill Square,” I think it could get very confusing quite quickly for anyone trying to find their way.
That's a good point, I think you swayed me on it!
The word Churchill is also causing confusion. I don't think the word stop necessarily conveys it is outside the station or where it is in relation to the station, which are probably the two most important things.

Churchill Square would differentiate a bit more and might imply it was not in the station. Maybe a directional component would help too, like Churchill Square South.
"Joncas said there isn’t one single issue behind the latest delay. He explained that the company met with each of the subcontractors and realized they wouldn’t be able to meet deadlines.

The line is now testing trains along the line between Mill Woods and City Centre.

Joncas also said that the shared-use path on the Tawatinâ Bridge, which connects the north and south banks of the North Saskatchewan River, should be open within days or weeks."

