Transforming Edmonton is... something.
ngl i love/find it hilarious that the foundations for the viaduct are significantly taller than the viaduct itself will be. Even the station won't hit 25m, unless they plan on adding a surprise spire or something. it just seems cool/weird. a funky bit of engineering.
Not sure if the trains are actually tracked live right now. The city went back to fixed block signalling after the Thales CBTC disaster.
They definitely aren’t, thought of it while waiting 20 minutes after getting to the station on time :D praying some kind of live updating can be available
Kinda sad that the train frequency is so low that there's a demand for live tracking of the trains. Ideally, train frequency would be high enough that you wouldn't have to worry about the schedules but could still catch a train within a five minute wait but idk when we'll see those train frequencies all day again.
the signs on the capital line give countdowns, but they're unreliable. Sometimes they count up, often they don't show anything at all, and the trains constantly seem to be running 2-4 minutes behind schedule, ie the sign will say the train will be there in 10 minutes, and it ends up taking 14 minutes to get there. tbh idk how they even manage to get so off-schedule when they just go back and forth on rails. but here we are.
I hope the Valley Line has better punctuality, or at least signs that accurately predict when the next late train will be.
the signs on the capital line give countdowns, but they're unreliable. Sometimes they count up, often they don't show anything at all, and the trains constantly seem to be running 2-4 minutes behind schedule, ie the sign will say the train will be there in 10 minutes, and it ends up taking 14 minutes to get there. tbh idk how they even manage to get so off-schedule when they just go back and forth on rails. but here we are.
I hope the Valley Line has better punctuality, or at least signs that accurately predict when the next late train will be.

That always confused/amazed me in this day and age; literally a 'best guess'.
In this day and age, surely technology exists to track actual times. I'm not sure if it is if it is lack of effort or lack of interest that keeps them from dealing with things like this.

ETS as an organization has a very bureaucratic mentality, anything that might improve the user experience seems not to be a high priority. Then they wonder why people are not so enthusiastic to take transit.
