There was supposed to be train testing downtown on Saturday. There were several crews in their bright yellow overalls at each of the stops and intersections. They had been sitting around for a few hours (hard not to miss) and I asked one of them if testing was happening.

He said it was supposed to a couple of hours ago but apparently there was something holding the trains up somewhere else along the line.
That was early afternoon. I don't know if they ever made it.

Let's hope the requirements of the P3 keep them alive and maintained.

Often after year 2 things change... just look at the Fed Building. About 50-70% of the annuals were never returned and is now swaths of mulch.
Most came back I have watch and about 10% will need to be replaced. The shrubs were late and came back from the bottom.
They were literally removed and not replanted Tim.

*dont want to derail this rail thread.
I live along 87 ave between meadowlark road and 165 St where the tracks to Misercordia will be implemented. Before LRT construction, I use the wide and spacious side streets a lot to bike to Walmart for groceries which act as GREAT bike lanes as theres almost always no car traffic there other than parked cars. I can still use it for now, but once the train tracks get lay on, they will be converting these side streets to regular car traffic. I don't know if they will convert the current sidewalks to multi-use paths. The WLRT map indicated that route will be a "Concrete Walk/ Shared use path" ...But I think they will most likely put a regular sidewalk on it if I am being honest to myself.

Anyway, I will miss them DEARLY once they are gone, I will most likely have to illegally ride my bike on the cramped sidewalk in the future. I would much rather have these sidestreets than the probable multiusepath or sidewalks😢
I live along 87 ave between meadowlark road and 165 St where the tracks to Misercordia will be implemented. Before LRT construction, I use the wide and spacious side streets a lot to bike to Walmart for groceries which act as GREAT bike lanes as theres almost always no car traffic there other than parked cars. I can still use it for now, but once the train tracks get lay on, they will be converting these side streets to regular car traffic. I don't know if they will convert the current sidewalks to multi-use paths. The WLRT map indicated that route will be a "Concrete Walk/ Shared use path" ...But I think they will most likely put a regular sidewalk on it if I am being honest to myself.

Anyway, I will miss them DEARLY once they are gone, I will most likely have to illegally ride my bike on the cramped sidewalk in the future. I would much rather have these sidestreets than the probable multiusepath or sidewalks😢
