How has the LRT been during this coldsnap and snow? I am aware of supposedly a technical issue last night around 5:30 where the trains were stopped at either Boonie Doon and/or Davies for 25 minutes before the trains started heading south. Once it did get going, I was under the impression that the train did not go all the way to millwoods but stopped at the 2nd to last stop and people had to walk to the millwoods transit centre.
It's currently -25 outside, and the Valley Line LRT is still humming along. Just wait until the weekend though! 🥶

According to someone on facebook there was a problem on the southern portion of the line, something that the train was stuck to Grey Nuns or something.
I see what you are saying now. If you control for the differences, it would put the 2 car Valley Line train at 743 passengers?, so just shy of the capacity of the current SD160s of 760 in a 4 car arrangement.

Yes. Granted, the Valley line vehicles have less row seating, if the high floor vehicles follow suit then that difference widens some more.

For reference, I was using the LRT design guidelines which lists the AW2 capacity of the SD-160 at 146 pax, lower than the U2 capacity of 160 pax.
The elevated sections of the VL give massive Skytrain vibes. A side note, it's good to see cities in Canada starting to see the benefits of elevated rail transit. The Skytrain should be a model for future systems to follow and I'm sure it was a big inspiration for both the VL and the REM which both opened last year. Honolulu's new train is also elevated, Sound Transit (for all its faults) is building a lot of elevated light rail as well. This is a trend I hope to see continue and expand across the continent. Faster than at grade, but cheaper than tunneled.
With the cold weather and poorer road issues that began a few days ago with snow, two co-workers have been taking the Valley Line this week for the first time - getting on at Mill Woods and then connecting at Churchill to the capital line to Corona.

Both having favorable experiences.
