THAT IS CRAZY! It's good that nobody got hurt, but if it's true that it originated in a homeless camp, then we've got bigger issue here. Crackdowns on these camps are probably gonna become more intensive because of stuff like this imo.
Until the city and province commit fully to eradicating homelessness with proper supportive housing, this will continue to be an issue. This is not the first fire in the river valley from a camp and it will not be the last. The city and province are currently using Kinsman and the Expo to house people, but it will not last forever, and not everyone wants to be next to someone else in that setting.
@westcoastjos Totally agree with you, and I am all for supportive housing and placement programs for the less fortunate people in our city who truly have nowhere else to go.
I was walking by the tracks downtown today, and I noticed the big tent between 100 street and Rice Howard Way was almost gone! I managed to get a couple pictures. I think the switches embedded in the concrete are really impressive. It's exciting to see this section almost done!
Is that sand down there? Will accidental beach be back this year??

The beach isn't back yet. It should make a final appearance this year, but how nice it is depends on how high the river flows.


Muttart stop with the downtown skyline as a backdrop. Whatever else its faults, at least riders of the line will be treated to some spectacular views.


One last look at the old Connors pedestrian bridge....


... And its replacement. The pier and abutments look to be almost done, although the tie-in to the trail still needs to be paved.


It looks like a kayak! A 100m long, overturned kayak mounted on concrete stilts (my sense of aesthetics may have been affected by the lockdown)...


The Whitemud pedestrian bridge is finally open! Feels a lot safer than walking next to drivers trying to navigate the ever-changing detours.


The new Mill Woods transit centre! It looks gigantic, way larger than the current one. It's coming along fast too - at the beginning of the year the place was still a parking lot. It will be connected to the LRT stop by a covered walkway.


And last but not least, the terminal stop. The pinkish coloured concrete is a nice touch and gives the feel of brick.
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