Hey, saw the messages 😄. Thanks for the encouragement guys! and who knows, I can’t predict the future but things may just work out in the end... 😉 (ergo nothing confirmed atm)
Love to do the tour but It may be a conflict. (it was a project I was supposed to work on, but ended up on another monster one.). It should be a person new to construction. A good learning opportunity.

This would be the first section of LRT I have not worked on or walked along. I'm old enough that I worked on the tunnel ventilation at Grandin station.
Ahh yes, using emotional manipulation and tunnel vision to try and prove a point :rolleyes: like, REALLY, Mr. Nickel??

FYI the Facebook poll has finally flipped after being shared on Instagram and other social media platforms (including Twitter, where the same poll went the other way by a landslide!)

but here’s the link anyway... to vote NO!::
Sorry the picture is so big lol, but I can't change the size so 🤷‍♂️
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Suggests (partially) that Edmonton is still a car-town. And, as an added thought, Edmonton administration has no idea how to effectively hand back tax money to families and businesses without creating another money-hungry bureaucracy to do so (although maybe they could reassign City planners to that task 😏 ) Not to mention that the City has no control over Provincial and Federal LRT grants that I would assume would just vaporize if the west LRT would be cancelled 👹👺💩
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Ahh yes, using emotional manipulation and tunnel vision to try and prove a point :rolleyes: like, REALLY, Mr. Nickel??
View attachment 253883

FYI the Facebook poll has finally flipped after being shared on Instagram and other social media platforms (including Twitter, where the same poll went the other way by a landslide!)

but here’s the link anyway... to vote NO!:: www.facebook.com/531974266837784/posts/3028608100507709/?d=n

Sorry the picture is so big lol, but I can't change the size so 🤷‍♂️

He has the same poll in Twitter too: (In which NO seems to be winning)

BTW, I cannot access your link @Platinum107
@Aaron_Lloyd He and his social media team is certainly trying to bring UCP-style campaigning, ideology, and populism to Edmonton.

Which of course completely fails to recognize that Edmonton overwhelmingly rejected the UCP and their ideology, too.
Hey now, nothing wrong with a bit of populism. Honestly this strikes me more as just conventional fiscal conservatism, which is still very much popular in the city unfortunately. So popular even our supposedly progressive mayor still kowtows to it more than one might expect.

Nickel does have some valid concerns about how the West LRT is designed, namely how slow it might be and how it interferes with certain intersections. It's just that the time for that debate was waaay back before the first leg of this line was being constructed. Obstructing now during the procurement for the second half of the line and the dumb emotional plea to "give the money back to struggling families and businesses" is what really annoys me.
@Aaron_Lloyd I mean, those concerns are kind of what made the city choose this system in the first place 🤷‍♂️ The trains will move at the posted speed limit of the road they are on and will have green-light priority at certain intersections, but the train will still have to stop at some red lights. That was done to cause less intrusion and disruption in the communities it serves with things like crossing bells and gates, and you only see grade-separated sections when necessary, as with the West Edmonton Mall and Davies Station sections. People wanted a highly accessible and well-integrating transit system with a high capacity and decent travel time, and that's what we'll get :)

Also, I don't think Mr. Nickel here is a moron at all actually. He's taking advantage of and pandering to people who feel as though none of the "elites" listen to them (mega populism) and "lowering down" to their level by doing things like heavy engagement with his Facebook followers and going "to have coffee" once every two weeks with his supporters (before Covid obviously).
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I agree that you wouldn't want the train moving quicker than it will be along the proposed alignment, but there were alignments that would have enabled much quicker trips between major destinations. The fact is that you don't entice people out of their cars by promising them a slower trip than driving. In any case it should be moot now, we're far enough along on this plan that we really shouldn't be meddling with it now.
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