Trainspotting this afternoon, south of Whitemud to around 36Ave.
They're so pretty I had to stop!
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Awesome pics man! It's very nice to see them being tested out on the tracks.

The look of these trains is really growing on me. They're so different from what we've seen before and the sleek caterpillar-like design along with our nice ETS livery (which is the best one for the flexities so far don't @ me) make me veeeery excited to finally ride this year!
I am very much complaining about this. Looks hideous haha. Too redneck. It looks like my great grandpas house or an out of date rural motel.
I love it haha, really plays off of our 'northern' location. Cool thing is you can see all of those critters within only an hour's drive from that LRT stop!
went out to Millwoods today to catch the train tests, and was not disappointed. they had 6-7 units out, some coupled, some singles. I was able to see a pair coupled together, a bunch of units with their wheels exposed, and A TRAIN MOVING UNDER IT'S OWN POWER (ngl i extended what was supposed to be a quick study break to wait around and get video; these things are beautiful in motion). the trains were all between 38th and 34th ave, with flaggers at 36a ave. signalling did not appear to be running, although crews were working on the units. I am clearly not an expert nor in the know on train stuff, but i'd guess they were doing brake tests. the shorter video shows the train stopping suddenly, something it did a couple times (my lacklustre videography skills meant i only caught it once).
The second, longer video shows a train making the whole run of the stretch they had open. I actually saw this twice; the first time (which i thought i was filming until i remembered you have to let the button go to record video) the train was actually going faster than show, i'd guesstimate at about 40km/h. it was damn near silent at that speed; watch the second video with headphones to get a good sense of what it sounds like in real life. they are really, really quiet, with only a tiny whirring whine. it was really impressive. They are also deceptively big. the length of there things doesn't register from the stops, but the trains are big. Big, sleek, silent. IT WAS SO COOL.
okay, enough waffling, here's some vids (brake test and running on the track) and pics.


***EDIT i couldn't upload the videos i had directly to this site. the links in my post take you to the referenced video on youtube. there are only two, i linked multiple times just to be anal-retentive. they're unlisted, but the link to share is public.
nice job @cliffapotamus ! Those are some awesome shots and vids you got of the trains in testing

I'd guesstimate that the train in the longer vid is actually going a bit slower at around 30kph, so if you speed up the video x2 that should probably be how fast the train will move down this section of track when in operation.🤷‍♂️
nice job @cliffapotamus ! Those are some awesome shots and vids you got of the trains in testing

I'd guesstimate that the train in the longer vid is actually going a bit slower at around 30kph, so if you speed up the video x2 that should probably be how fast the train will move down this section of track when in operation.🤷‍♂️
yup, that's probably close to it. the first pass i saw (not videoed) i'd estimate it was going around 40. If anyone is good at measuring that stuff, the cars were doing about 55 (speed limit is 50, some people do 60). that being said, the sound didn't seem to increase much as the train accelerated.
