Now, couldn't we do it for ALL bus shelters?
I'll bet a limb that this alone would increase ridership. A lot of folks don't use transit ever because the winter experience is so terrible that they just don't feel compelled to use it throughout the rest of the year.
Interestingly, CAF didn't win the Edmonton Valley Line West LRV procurement, but they did win the Calgary Green Line LRV procurement:
The contract includes 28 modern low floor LRVs that will improve accessibility, reduce station footprint and enhance safety for pedestrians and vehicles. Low floor LRV technology has been the standard in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand for decades. It is now becoming the choice for many new LRT systems across Canada and the United States including Ottawa, Waterloo, Toronto, Portland and Minneapolis and marks an exciting step for Calgary’s transit network

The pettiness of these people is unrelenting.
The contract includes 28 modern low floor LRVs that will improve accessibility, reduce station footprint and enhance safety for pedestrians and vehicles. Low floor LRV technology has been the standard in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand for decades. It is now becoming the choice for many new LRT systems across Canada and the United States including Ottawa, Waterloo, Toronto, Portland and Minneapolis and marks an exciting step for Calgary’s transit network

The pettiness of these people is unrelenting.
Wait sorry, why petty?
I guess they just uh.. "forgot" that Edmonton beat them to it as well.
Yes, I wonder about that omission too. Are they only mentioning cities where low floor LRV's have been contracted from the same supplier?

The Green Line has had its challenges. It seems to be written by a PR person who was a bit too hyped up and perhaps trying to over compensate. It could be pettiness or maybe just lack of knowledge by a junior person.
Someone please tell me that TransEd did NOT leave out the millions of: delineator’s, pylons, barricades, miles of caution tape and other sorted construction barrier type material all winter!!! Just so that it can be driven over, snow plowed over and otherwise be a general nuisance for the next 6 months. Then come Spring, the streets and boulevards don’t get swept because there is so much “said” barrier material
I would hope that trains are still being tested. I imagine that any remaining construction would be minor. I think the lane signals on Connors Road can be installed soon.

The traffic lights in the Southeast are being synchronized with the LRT signals. Not sure how far along commissioning has progressed.
The crowds at Rogers Place are going to be interesting. There are three possible stations (four if you count MacEwan) within walking distance. Depending on weather, fans can walk on 103 Street or through the pedway network.
or underground from several places and then up and over.
