Oh my, that's a lot of piers. Come on TransEd, what's your excuse this time?
Finally, they can't use their concrete in the river scapegoat. Unlike almost every other time they announced a delay they would quietly ignore all of the other concrete construction issues they had and just blame the chunk in the river...
Cracks were first noticed July 16th when doing a walk through with city. They are exploring strengthening but not replacement of these piers currently.
Just slap a bandaid on it... Not like people's lives depend on it or anything.

Has there been one successful P3 built LRT project in this country?

Transed should be held accountable for their lack of communication. If they've known for almost a month why have they not said anything? Oh wait... Too much egg on their faces from how many other missed openings????

When they first started building the piers there was a couple that failed initial testing - should have been a warning sign IMHO.
How did TransEd drop the ball this badly? This is on top of a bad concrete pour for the Whitemud overpass that required them to completely redo it a few years back.
Never.mind the 3 sections of the elevated section they replaced as well. And don't forget the countless sections of the track bed they had to replace as well.
I listened to the livestream this morning on CTV. The TransEd CEO looked as though he was about ready for a stroke. That Q&A in French with the Radio-Canada reporter should have been much briefer.
“The cracks are due to thermal expansion issues that are related to the weather, he said.”

one more thing to blame on global warming???
