Does any municipality have any control over what happens in a P3 construction project? It's the provincial government that is forcing this project delivery method down everyone's throats.
As far as I understand, sorta kinda.

P3 projects are regulated at all levels; municipal, provincial and federal. The constitution dictates most large scale projects fall under provincial jurisdiction however. It would be up to the province to set up a legal framework that requires more regulatory oversight and accountability built in, or to just say screw it and set up funding without using a P3.

There's been talks about amending the constitution so municipal projects could be funded directly without provincial input, so municipalities aren't cuckolded by provincial governments, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. P3s were pushed hard by the Harper government, and I suspect to see another conservative government soon enough.

That's my understanding at least, I could be completely wrong.
Vancouver seems to be the only city that can build rapid transit lines without a huge delay. Holy the original Expo Line took only 2.5 years to build. I guess it helps that they built mostly cookie cutter stations, and they were probably rushing for Expo 86. Although I also have my thoughts on construction practices in BC through the 80s.

Millennium Line - 3.5-4 years (delayed 6 to 12 months)
Canada Line - just under 4 years (3.5 months early)
Millenium Line extension - just under 4 years (delayed 6 months)

Crazy that Edmonton and Calgary beat Vancouver to a modern urban rail system though.
Oh god. Hopeful posts of elevated track right after the multi year shitstorm of elevated track failure lol. Is there a west valley line maintenance facility just in case it’s operational before south?

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Marigold when TransEd found the cracks in the concrete in their section. The concrete work for the west leg is going to be under so much scrutiny now I feel for anyone having to sign off on it.
Was impressive the original foresight for sure but unfortunately have gone in very different directions as of late.
Greater Vancouver has TransLink, which makes it much easier to fund and construct Skytrain extensions and new lines compared to Edmonton and Calgary going it alone.
Greater Vancouver has TransLink, which makes it much easier to fund and construct Skytrain extensions and new lines compared to Edmonton and Calgary going it alone.
Vancouver region is also almost twice the size population wise than Edmonton or Calgary, so a bigger budget to fund things too. They have caught up and seem to have passed others, we should be looking to them now on how to do things better.
Kind of interesting they are 31% complete with the repairs but haven’t announced to the public what caused the damage, the extent of the damage, or what they are doing to repair the damage.

I'm expecting one of the two following answers:

1) The cement mix was to spec, passed it's formation integrity tests, but the temperatures during these particular pours were out of acceptable range and not enough was done to moderate with hoarding and heating for enough time. The increased temperature differential caused thermal cracking.
2) A cement mix that wasn't to spec was used, and the cement heated too much during curing in what was considered acceptable temperatures. The increased temperature differential then caused thermal cracking.
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