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It does make sense. However, the Sandman seems to have a bit too much of a bunker like mentality now that makes it less attractive, I hope that will change/improve.
Reference Id:Job No 498277812-005
Description:To establish a Comprehensive Sign Design Plan for (Williams Hall)
Variances and/or Discretionary Uses:1) Part 6, The maximum Sign Area for Sign C1 is 99.9.m2 instead of 20.0m2
2) Part 6, To allow Fascia Signs C1 and B1 to be located above the second storey on a building greater than 2 stories.
3) Part 6, To allow Projecting Signs A1 to A6 to be located above the floor of the second storey.
4) Part 6, To allow signs B2 and B3 to have a clearance height of 1.7m instead of 2.5m above the path of travel intended for pedestrians.
10030 - 102A AVENUE NW
Plan F Lots 77-78
Status:Notification Appeal Period: October 22 - November 12, 2023
Issue Date:2024/10/17
Class Of Permit:Discretionary Development
Notification Start Date:2024/10/22
Notification End Date:2024/11/12

Development permit questions: Brenda Noorman (brenda.noorman@edmonton.ca)
Williams Hall has been silent all year. I've been using the pedway between ECC and Sandman about 4 times a month.
They will do f*ck all.
Perhaps… but I’m pretty sure that the location of the tower’s elevators and stairwells and exiting etc. pretty much limit them to doing f*ck all even if that’s not their first choice.
