The days are flying, and I'm starting to get a bit worried. Will they be done in time? I hope they don't push the date back yet again! it's just over 500 days until the anticipated first wave of move-ins, and I find it hard to believe that they'll get the huge building up in time, get all the finishings done, and everything else they have to do (decor, etc). I'm trying to keep track of other comparable condos, and the amount of time it took them to be built, and it was way over a year, almost two for most. I'm pretty nervous!

Has anyone heard anything, and is anyone else having doubts? Or do you think it will be ready in time? I haven't lived in a condo before, so I don't have any personal experience with how long it takes these things to be settled (maybe that's why I'm panicking a bit!).

I'm new in condo living as well. I've never bought a condo before. I'm pretty anxious for them to start digging already. I can see that the area has been cleared. Why on earth that they haven't started digging yet? I didn't see big tools/machinery when I was in the area last week.

Any insight on this??
well for one thing we're in the middle of winter... i'd say it would be very wishful thinking for the move in date to be anything earlier than 2 years
Couple of questions:

Anyone know the range of prices for a 1+1 in Emerald 2?

What is the latest current completion date for Emerald 1 at the moment? If the date is pushed further back, what are the consequences to the builder and/or buyer?
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I think the latest completio date for Emerald 1 is mid 2012.

Have they started the construction yet? The last time I was there, it was still a flat empty space.
Spoke to Monica should be poured in the spring....and expect a delay for the completion of the condo end of Dec 2012.

well that's great. Maybe we'll move in sometime when Phase 2 is projected to be done (2014).

After speaking to some people at the bank, they told me it was common for condos to be delayed 2-4 years. I really hope that won't be the case!

We only bought the condo this summer. I heard that the date was already pushed back for those who bought before us (originally, the move in date was Dec 2011?). Is this true? Does anyone know the original date the building was supposed to be move-in ready for?
well that's great. Maybe we'll move in sometime when Phase 2 is projected to be done (2014).

After speaking to some people at the bank, they told me it was common for condos to be delayed 2-4 years. I really hope that won't be the case!

We only bought the condo this summer. I heard that the date was already pushed back for those who bought before us (originally, the move in date was Dec 2011?). Is this true? Does anyone know the original date the building was supposed to be move-in ready for?

The first original move in date was December 2011. Then, they said June or July 2012. The latest one update that I got from people here is Dec 2012.
Not looking to sell I right now, but I'm considering assignment as the last option. How do I assign it to someone else? Do I go through realtor, the builder, or list it myself online? I'm rather not going with realtor since I would still to pay the assignment fee.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
From what I understood, you can do the assignment by going to the sales office and making some changes in the contract (for which they will charge you, of course). Thank you for the info about the original move-in date.


I wonder if this delay will also impact Phase 2. From what I've been reading regarding the proposals and neighborhood changes, Phase 1 must be completed before phase 2 begins construction.

This delay is really frustrating me. Seems like every time I get excited about being significantly closer to move-in date, there's another delay that launches us back to the beginning. I guess we'll have to wait and see, like we've been doing for a while now. Too bad we didn't get a clause in our contract that would have allowed us to sell/change cost-free if there were any more delays.
From what I understood, you can do the assignment by going to the sales office and making some changes in the contract (for which they will charge you, of course). Thank you for the info about the original move-in date.


I wonder if this delay will also impact Phase 2. From what I've been reading regarding the proposals and neighborhood changes, Phase 1 must be completed before phase 2 begins construction.

This delay is really frustrating me. Seems like every time I get excited about being significantly closer to move-in date, there's another delay that launches us back to the beginning. I guess we'll have to wait and see, like we've been doing for a while now. Too bad we didn't get a clause in our contract that would have allowed us to sell/change cost-free if there were any more delays.

If you go to the sales office and want to do the assignment, who will find the buyer to take over your condo/sales contract? And on what price they will list your condo?
Sorry Newbuyer,

I don't know the details. I only remember what was briefly mentioned back in the summer. I'd say your best bet is to go back to the sales office, and ask them about this. Even if they won't deal with it themselves, they'll likely point you in the right direction. You might also be able to ask your lawyer this- if you went through a lawyer before signing your contract.

I'm sorry I can't offer anything more in-depth, but I hope it will work out for you!
Spoke to Monica should be poured in the spring....and expect a delay for the completion of the condo end of Dec 2012.

Does even Dec.2012 sound realistic !? not too sure but comparing it with Ultra (2 blocks away from this project, is quite ahead in its construction and has its date for occupancy slated at Dec.2012, I would say it would be a safe bet to count in a 6-8 month slack !?

That's what I'm thinking as well. If they start construction in the spring (let's be optimistic and say April), then they would have 1 year and 7 months to complete everything. From what I've seen with other condos, that's not very realistic. This condo is pretty tall, and has lots of units. Imagine how much just putting in the finishing touches alone will take!
That's what I'm thinking as well. If they start construction in the spring (let's be optimistic and say April), then they would have 1 year and 7 months to complete everything. From what I've seen with other condos, that's not very realistic. This condo is pretty tall, and has lots of units. Imagine how much just putting in the finishing touches alone will take!

then we are all screwed!!! see you all in 2013
Hi all,

Like many of you I am quite dissapointed with this new delay. Just wondering, has anyone received any notifications in the mail on these delays? How do condo builders typically get the news out? I for one have not gotten anything from El-AD on this or any of the previous delays.
