I was there on the weekend too and I heard people were stuck on the elevators. I was on my floor waiting for the elevators for 20 minutes. The hallways are incredibly warm. I don't know why they have to have the heat on so high. Perhaps they're worried about another pipe burst? I talked to Natalie to ask about the pipes since I read somewhere on this forum that there might be a defect. She mentioned to me that a unit had turned off their heat. Hopefully that's the truth and not because there is a defect.

Has anyone tried installing lights? Is there anything tricky with doing that? Also, I tried to remove the closet shelves off the walls, but those nails/pegs are hard to remove. I'm looking to install a customized closet organizer since there's not enough space for a dresser in my room.

To add to everyone's rants.... The fob card is so ugly. I wish they had those mini grey fob keys rather than a thin plastic card. The parking doors are tricky. I don't know which side to enter because there are no signs. When I tried to enter the visitor's side (on the right), there is nobody to call except security 1000. When I tried to leave the parking lot, it wouldn't automatically open, so I had to rummage through my stuff for the parking lot fob key.

Seems like they will have a lot of work to sort out and complete. It's so disappointing to hear about all these problems, and we haven't even moved in yet (or had our PDI!). It makes me so nervous.

Word to the wise: careful with which modifications you make to your apartment during the interim period, since technically it's not yours yet (unfortunately). You may need permission from Property Management to complete a bunch of stuff before you get the title. I hope they're reasonable and not crazy strict, since there are some modifications we'd like to make when moving in, too!
I wonder how they calculate the Rental Fee (before the building is fully registered) have you heard of anyone who's already moved in and if the monthly rent is average or if they're paying too much?
Seems like they will have a lot of work to sort out and complete. It's so disappointing to hear about all these problems, and we haven't even moved in yet (or had our PDI!). It makes me so nervous.

Word to the wise: careful with which modifications you make to your apartment during the interim period, since technically it's not yours yet (unfortunately). You may need permission from Property Management to complete a bunch of stuff before you get the title. I hope they're reasonable and not crazy strict, since there are some modifications we'd like to make when moving in, too!

Hi Ancea,

Sorry to make you feel nervous. To be honest, other than the small glitches here and there, everything seems pretty good to me inside the unit. They did a pretty decent job and we didn't have much to fix. My finishes were quite good and when I finally got my keys my unit was already very clean. There was also a nice thoughtful surprise too. I won't tell you what that is.
The PDI guy is really helpful and will tell them to fix things here and there and you can point things out too. The Tarion agreement will also protect you to make sure that your unit is up to standards after you get your keys.

I think the glitches here and there should be normal. It is a brand new building after all and all the unexpected things would probably happen elsewhere too.
Hi Ancea,

Sorry to make you feel nervous. To be honest, other than the small glitches here and there, everything seems pretty good to me inside the unit. They did a pretty decent job and we didn't have much to fix. My finishes were quite good and when I finally got my keys my unit was already very clean. There was also a nice thoughtful surprise too. I won't tell you what that is.
The PDI guy is really helpful and will tell them to fix things here and there and you can point things out too. The Tarion agreement will also protect you to make sure that your unit is up to standards after you get your keys.

I think the glitches here and there should be normal. It is a brand new building after all and all the unexpected things would probably happen elsewhere too.

It's ok, I'm sure all the anxiousness will go away once we finally get to our PDI! :)

A nice surprise? now you also have me curious! hmmm....

I'm glad to hear that the PDI guy is helpful, and that things were fixed well. Some glitches here and there are definitely to be expected... hopefully all the major glitches are behind us now!
Move in is from Feb 11 to Feb 24th. If they're doing the 28th then maybe 2 - 3 weeks for our PDI's.

Looks like we're the last to move in, then. We were told Feb 24th.

I was thinking maybe 2-3 weeks for our PDI's as well.
Hi Ancea,

Sorry to make you feel nervous. To be honest, other than the small glitches here and there, everything seems pretty good to me inside the unit. They did a pretty decent job and we didn't have much to fix. My finishes were quite good and when I finally got my keys my unit was already very clean. There was also a nice thoughtful surprise too. I won't tell you what that is.
The PDI guy is really helpful and will tell them to fix things here and there and you can point things out too. The Tarion agreement will also protect you to make sure that your unit is up to standards after you get your keys.

I think the glitches here and there should be normal. It is a brand new building after all and all the unexpected things would probably happen elsewhere too.

Hi Angie, do you know the name of the PDI gentleman you dealt with? Nothing was fixed in my unit and I wouldnt mind asking for a few minor things.
Seems like they will have a lot of work to sort out and complete. It's so disappointing to hear about all these problems, and we haven't even moved in yet (or had our PDI!). It makes me so nervous.

Word to the wise: careful with which modifications you make to your apartment during the interim period, since technically it's not yours yet (unfortunately). You may need permission from Property Management to complete a bunch of stuff before you get the title. I hope they're reasonable and not crazy strict, since there are some modifications we'd like to make when moving in, too!
Also be careful with electrical. You need to use a licensed electrician or your Tarion warranty could be void
Also be careful with electrical. You need to use a licensed electrician or your Tarion warranty could be void

In your experience, would a licensed electrician be necessary for do it yourself type jobs such as replacing light switches with dimmers ?
re: replacing light switches with dimmers...

I'd hope not, as this is something very very basic!
I am on the 31th floor and I should get the keys on Feb 5. I called the office today for the PDI date. They said I would receive an email notification on Jan 27.
