Keep an eye on it, it could have been condensation or got a bit wet during construction. Take a photo of it now and then watch to see if it grows or if you see any new lines. If it does not change then it was likely a one time thing.
I saw empty boxes next to the P2 elevator entrance last night. I reported it to the Management Office this morning and it was removed this evening. Very efficient.

Well, at least Management was efficient about removing it, then!
I am having lots of trouble with my smoke detector. pre heating the oven and opening it, even with the fan going, still makes it go off
I have done my PDI and the workmanship just scare the heck out of me. The walls are crooked, a tile has a tremendous dint, the cabinet edges were scratched, screw hole on the wall, the HVAC makes so much noise and the floor is wavy! Can anyone give me anything positive here? Like how long do you have to wait to get them fix it???!!!! Anyone living on floor 34 and 35? I overheard someone mentioned the 36th floor has a lower ceiling than the 10' ceiling they were promised! People need to measure it! I can smell a law suit in the making if that's true. These people paid top dollars to be there, it goes to tell you how rush and bad a job the builder has done, how can they built something not to specification!
I have done my PDI and the workmanship just scare the heck out of me. The walls are crooked, a tile has a tremendous dint, the cabinet edges were scratched, screw hole on the wall, the HVAC makes so much noise and the floor is wavy! Can anyone give me anything positive here? Like how long do you have to wait to get them fix it???!!!! Anyone living on floor 34 and 35? I overheard someone mentioned the 36th floor has a lower ceiling than the 10' ceiling they were promised! People need to measure it! I can smell a law suit in the making if that's true. These people paid top dollars to be there, it goes to tell you how rush and bad a job the builder has done, how can they built something not to specification!

That's so disappointing. It seems like there are more problems than good things. Are they going to fix the crooked walls?? Everything else they should definitely fix, but I'm wondering if they tried sneaking their way out of having to fix the wall. I really hope they fix everything for you... though it'll probably take a while. Which floor are you on?
Did anyone have any issues with the washer? I don't have any water loading up when I push in the button. Natalie says the knobs on the side should be pointing upward where the hoses are connected.
Mine are...but still no water.

On a side it me or are the roads really crappy in the area?! I have a feeling I think it's been that way for a long time. I just drove over a nasty pothole coming in from the Don Mills side.
Did anyone have any issues with the washer? I don't have any water loading up when I push in the button. Natalie says the knobs on the side should be pointing upward where the hoses are connected.
Mine are...but still no water.

On a side it me or are the roads really crappy in the area?! I have a feeling I think it's been that way for a long time. I just drove over a nasty pothole coming in from the Don Mills side.

You are correct the roads are really nasty... They are bad everywhere but particularly bad around the buildings. I don't suspect however that they will do a major repair until all the major construction is complete or else they will quickly become the same Pot holes are terrible everywhere this year. With repect to the washer, is there any way you can turn off the supply, disconnect it from the washing machine and very very slowly (with a bucket underneith) turn it on to see if there is water coming from the supply line. If there is, the issue is with the machine itself. Also make sure there are no kinks in the line. Hope that helps
You are correct the roads are really nasty... They are bad everywhere but particularly bad around the buildings. I don't suspect however that they will do a major repair until all the major construction is complete or else they will quickly become the same Pot holes are terrible everywhere this year. With repect to the washer, is there any way you can turn off the supply, disconnect it from the washing machine and very very slowly (with a bucket underneith) turn it on to see if there is water coming from the supply line. If there is, the issue is with the machine itself. Also make sure there are no kinks in the line. Hope that helps

Hmm....not sure I feel comfortable messing around with the hoses and the connections. I rather just have the management examine it first.

I got stuck last night due to the fire trucks/police cars blocking the route from sheppard. So coming in from Don Mills and in the dark I could not tell...there's a nasty pothole on Forest Manor....look out folks!
I have done my PDI and the workmanship just scare the heck out of me. The walls are crooked, a tile has a tremendous dint, the cabinet edges were scratched, screw hole on the wall, the HVAC makes so much noise and the floor is wavy! Can anyone give me anything positive here? Like how long do you have to wait to get them fix it???!!!! Anyone living on floor 34 and 35? I overheard someone mentioned the 36th floor has a lower ceiling than the 10' ceiling they were promised! People need to measure it! I can smell a law suit in the making if that's true. These people paid top dollars to be there, it goes to tell you how rush and bad a job the builder has done, how can they built something not to specification!

read the find print builders can get away with ALOT of defects even lower than advertise height of ceiling and placement of walls even.
read the find print builders can get away with ALOT of defects even lower than advertise height of ceiling and placement of walls even.

Ducati0000, this is NOT the advertisement we are referring to but the Purchase Agreement we collectively signed! The height of the ceiling for floor 34 to 36 is to have approximately 10 feet verses other floors to be at 9 feet. This has been spelled out in a binding legal contract and signed by all parties. You can't get away from that!
Ducati0000, this is NOT the advertisement we are referring to but the Purchase Agreement we collectively signed! The height of the ceiling for floor 34 to 36 is to have approximately 10 feet verses other floors to be at 9 feet. This has been spelled out in a binding legal contract and signed by all parties. You can't get away from that!

The legal documents, (at least the ones that I signed) say that the suites will have approximate 10 foot ceiling heights in principle living areas. In areas where bulkheads or dropped ceiling are required the ceiling height will be less than the 9' or 10' that is specified. What does the word approximate mean to you ? To me it means that there is no guarantee that it is going to be exactly 10 feet. Key word being approximate. In your earlier post you mentioned that Quote " I overheard someone mentioned the 36th floor has a lower ceiling than the 10' ceiling they were promised! People need to measure it! I can smell a law suit in the making if that's true. These people paid top dollars to be there, it goes to tell you how rush and bad a job the builder has done, how can they built something not to specification!"

I am just curious what benefit you see in posting things that you "overheard". You also mention that people paid "top dollar" which many people did. I can assure you that throwing out phrases like class action lawsuits on an internet board will do nothing to help preserve the value of your home or investment.
Ducati0000, this is NOT the advertisement we are referring to but the Purchase Agreement we collectively signed! The height of the ceiling for floor 34 to 36 is to have approximately 10 feet verses other floors to be at 9 feet. This has been spelled out in a binding legal contract and signed by all parties. You can't get away from that!

If you wanted EXACTLY 10 foot ceilings or 9 foot ceilings, you should have replaced the word approximate in the purchase agreement with "Exactly" and had the builder sign off on that amendment to the purchase agreement. If the builder did not sign off on it, then you have a choice, continue with the purchase or walk away. This wording is not exclusive to this builder.
I understand the word 'approximate' means, not EXACTLY 10 foot, ... would you be upset if you ended up with 9 foot ceiling of your entire unit and everyone else get 9 foot while you thought you paid for 10 foot ceiling to be on the 36th floor? Let's not argue and just admit your fault and you made a mistake and will correct the problem. If the Builder offer me to walk away from my suite today I would, and I think it should be part of the PDI option for every suite to protect the purchaser from lousy workmanship! BTW., do you work for the Builder? Sounded like you do!
