considering its a 2 bedroom in 735 sq.ft., one washroom is understandable

the room sizes (bedrooms / living /dining) are all very generous ... however I find it a rip off that by enclosing the former den, it is now called a 'bedroom' ... I'm sure prices were adjusted up just to reflect the 2 bedroom design, rather than the former 1 bedroom+den layout ~

gotta 'love' those interior bedrooms ~ :rolleyes:
Yes, the price of the unit is indeed jacked up a lot. One thing I don't like is the 2nd bedroom door placement, the 2 doors opening outward look so strange to me. And with different placement of the closet, empty space does not connected as smooth as before, and the bathroom become smaller.

I still prefer the old layout, and I am pretty sure finding someone to install a sliding door and a closet will be much cheaper in the old layout will be much cheaper.

Btw, I saw the sign of Lewis Build at the construction site, is it a reputable builder?
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Yes, the price of the unit is indeed jacked up a lot. One thing I don't like is the 2nd bedroom door placement, the 2 doors opening outward look so strange to me. And with different placement of the closet, empty space does not connected as smooth as before, and the bathroom become smaller.

The double door opening outwards works only if that was a Den with French Doors ... that to me clearly suggests this is all an after thought intended as a rip off ... and the fact you found out that the price has been jacked up "a lot" as I originally suspected, means that this unit is now a scam ~ IMO of course :p
Yes, the price of the unit is indeed jacked up a lot. One thing I don't like is the 2nd bedroom door placement, the 2 doors opening outward look so strange to me. And with different placement of the closet, empty space does not connected as smooth as before, and the bathroom become smaller.

I still prefer the old layout, and I am pretty sure finding someone to install a sliding door and a closet will be much cheaper in the old layout will be much cheaper.

Btw, I saw the sign of Lewis Build at the construction site, is it a reputable builder?
Hi Probey,
How was the sales office? Do you know how many have sold out?
I guess no matter how much the have sold out they would not be able to start until the rental buildings are finished.
new pictures from the site as of September 2, 2009
I'm sorry if the pictures are not great. I took them with my Bold.


Newbuyer thanks for the pics!

Looks like underground levels are almost done, great progress!
Another member of the board just bought the "Poppy" unit. Congrats to him.

It is progressing really fast. It loooks like the next step is the ground level.
The also have increased the prices for all units across the board.
Poppy has increased by $10k since few weeks ago.

Anyone else could take better pictures? :p
Gardenia floor plan

Can anybody tell me if we can sell the condo prior to closing, is there any way to do this? what is your opinion regarding the gardenia floor plan.
I think Gardenia floor plan is pretty standard. I don't see anything wrong with it.

If you want to sell a condo before the closing date, you gotta make sure to ask the assignment. I know Emerald city will charge you $3500 when you actually use the assignment.
With no disrespect intended towards any purchasers, I find it crazy to describe a two bedroom at 735 square feet as "the room sizes (bedrooms / living /dining) are all very generous"

I recall my first 1 BR condo was 745 square feet which I felt was a decent, if not slightly small.

I used to laugh a few years back when I saw 2 BR's in the 850 - 925 square foot range. Now we're closing in on 700 square feet. Two small for my tastes... Wow... What is this one selling for?
With no disrespect intended towards any purchasers, I find it crazy to describe a two bedroom at 735 square feet as "the room sizes (bedrooms / living /dining) are all very generous"

I recall my first 1 BR condo was 745 square feet which I felt was a decent, if not slightly small.

I used to laugh a few years back when I saw 2 BR's in the 850 - 925 square foot range. Now we're closing in on 700 square feet. Two small for my tastes... Wow... What is this one selling for?

This used to be a 1 bedroom + den unit, around $270k (from 2nd floor), but it's been transformed to a 2 bedroom unit and the price was increased to around $320k (from 2nd floor).

Is your condo unit 1 bedroom with no den? I am asking because nowadays it is hard to find a pure 1 bedroom unit with that size.
