If it isn't there when you move in, be sure to report it to Tarion

It likely won't be there when we move in as the PDI guy refused to even consider what we were telling him- that it was explicitly stated in the contract. We'll likely have to deal with customer service, Tarion, or our lawyers.

sent you a PM. figured I'd let you know here, since sometimes this site gets glitchy with PMs.
It likely won't be there when we move in as the PDI guy refused to even consider what we were telling him- that it was explicitly stated in the contract. We'll likely have to deal with customer service, Tarion, or our lawyers.

How can I tell if the pre-wiring done in my suite? I can see the holes but I can't see wire sticking out of it. When I reported to Natalie about closing the holes for me, she said that they don't close the holes and the holes need to be there since it is pre-wired. But, I don't see the wires from outside. Is the wire supposed to be visible?

sent you a PM. figured I'd let you know here, since sometimes this site gets glitchy with PMs.

Hi Ancea

Actually Bell info is available in the mail room. There is plenty of brochures there with contact information. I don't have the brochure with me right now. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Just wondering if toilet paper holder should be included in the bathroom? I don't see it installed in mine.
How can I tell if the pre-wiring done in my suite? I can see the holes but I can't see wire sticking out of it. When I reported to Natalie about closing the holes for me, she said that they don't close the holes and the holes need to be there since it is pre-wired. But, I don't see the wires from outside. Is the wire supposed to be visible?

We saw the tube and asked about the wiring during the PDI, so that we'd know how to hook it up. The PDI guy told us there was no wiring... just the tube. So I'm not sure how you can actually check to see if they did pre-wire yours, since the PDI guy checked it and told us.

Thanks for the info re: Bell.
We saw the tube and asked about the wiring during the PDI, so that we'd know how to hook it up. The PDI guy told us there was no wiring... just the tube. So I'm not sure how you can actually check to see if they did pre-wire yours, since the PDI guy checked it and told us.

Thanks for the info re: Bell.

So if there is no wiring and only empty tubes, and Emerald does not want to cover up the holes, what's the point having the tubes? Can wiring still be done?
So if there is no wiring and only empty tubes, and Emerald does not want to cover up the holes, what's the point having the tubes? Can wiring still be done?

I asked what the point was too, but was only met with a lecture about how we needed to pay... bla bla bla. At a point we were told that the guy that puts in the tubes is not the same as the guy who wires, and some more lecturing about how we needed to pay for the actual lights to get the wiring in the tubes. We were told that there may be a chance that a "skilled electrician" might be able to install the wiring down the line if we wanted to hire one.

We emailed Natalie and while she told us she'd get back, she hasn't yet. I'm curious to see how this will pan out.

Mostly, I just hope the fix the giant 4-meter long indents across our floor. We have two that go allllllllllllllllllllll the way from our entrance to the end of our kitchen, likely from the dolly they used to bring in the fridge. Fun stuff.
As stress before if you got the wiring specify in your contract demand it be installed and have your lawyer go after them if they refuse,thats the reason you paying the money for, but any verbal contract is just a false promise....
As stress before if you got the wiring specify in your contract demand it be installed and have your lawyer go after them if they refuse,thats the reason you paying the money for, but any verbal contract is just a false promise....

In Schedule B, under the KITCHEN subsection, it says as bullet point "Pre-wiring for optional valance lighting'. I think my Purchase Agreement is pretty standard. I need to go speak to them as well... great informative forum.
I looked long and hard at Tridel's Trio at Atria project at Consumers Road. As a matter of fact, I bought a unit and backed out near the end of my 10 day cooling off. The decision for me was between Builder reputation and location. Tridel was the builder of choice in my mind, but in my opinion there was no comparison between the two locations. Especially now that the Sheppard LRT is delayed even further, so I opted to take a chance knowing very well I was taking a risk with a builder whose track record was not as proven as the likes of Tridel or Menkes. No regrets yet, but then again building three won't be ready for quite a while.

I went with Ultra instead even after looking at Elad. A friend of mine bought in Emerald City. Monarch's location even though is quite not on the subway itself, but isnt horribly far as compared to Tridel which i think is a bit off. as for the quality and the move-in experience, no complaints about Monarch's quality of customer care and workmanship. They delivered what they said they will and fixed immediately on what we pointed out following occupancy. My friend in emerald city even though has a fantastic location, isn't having such a pleasant move in experience. I guess builder track record could play a big part as well in finalizing decision on buying pre-construction if you do not want to deal with post PDI - crappy experience.
Repair work has not been good so far

So I submitted my 30-month form a few weeks ago. One item that needed repair was my kitchen island - it's not level to the floor since there is an obvious gap. Workers came in last week to "repair" it but did more harm. They simply pushed the island down to close the gap. But now the island is DISCONNECTED from the wall, the island is SLANTED, and the drawers are CROOKED. I wish I was there when this was done but I the workers have the same work hours as me. I've sent my concerns and pictures to customer care and thankfully they responded promptly. It will be looked into but I'm very worried about what will happen next.
youre kidding i have a very similar problem and they didnt even finish the flooring near the dishwasher
