Beaverbrook might have their hands full still over at the Printing Factory with lots of remaining PDI issues. I heard there may be a class action lawsuit (or two) going on.

Thats sad that they are still doing PDI the lawsuit that is going on is that because of problems with the units or the building.. Should have never purchased a condo from them......
Did anyone buy in this building.......beaver brook is a JOKE Lies Lies lies their not moving along considering they Only have to march to complete, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN........AGAIN........
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Beaver brook is liars liars liars once again they have no clue what's going on.....worst so called builder out their....
What's going on with this thing? Any updates? Why are they liars?

Well firstly our original closing was December 2010. And as of today there is still a hole in the ground with a closing date which they still insist they will meet being March 2012.

In November 2010 we got a newsletter stating that finishing touches were being put on the decor centre and that we would be contacted in a couple of weeks for colour selections. Then we were told that colour selections were to happen in March. Then July. And when we called today about colour selection we were told "We don't know." Biggest slap in the face was the fact that a project that Beaverbrook took over last year, The Terrace, a good 2 years after we bought Evolution, has now taken priority and they are currently working on the 4th floor.

If you actually ever get a hold of anyone at the main office, they never have any answers.

They are a poor excuse for a company, that basically buys defunct projects on the cheap and then continues to screw the purchasers over.
Well if the builder doesn't deliver by the "outside occupancy date" (3 years from orginal estimated occupancy date) then they are obligated to return all deposits paid with interest (as little as it may be)
Well firstly our original closing was December 2010. And as of today there is still a hole in the ground with a closing date which they still insist they will meet being March 2012.

In November 2010 we got a newsletter stating that finishing touches were being put on the decor centre and that we would be contacted in a couple of weeks for colour selections. Then we were told that colour selections were to happen in March. Then July. And when we called today about colour selection we were told "We don't know." Biggest slap in the face was the fact that a project that Beaverbrook took over last year, The Terrace, a good 2 years after we bought Evolution, has now taken priority and they are currently working on the 4th floor.

If you actually ever get a hold of anyone at the main office, they never have any answers.

They are a poor excuse for a company, that basically buys defunct projects on the cheap and then continues to screw the purchasers over.

Are workers on site? I think you're just going to have to wait for a couple years. Just put it out of sight/out of mind....hard to do of course, but there's really nothing you can do. You're at the mercy of the builder.

It's a nice looking building, though. I'm sure you'll make money off of it.
Well if the builder doesn't deliver by the "outside occupancy date" (3 years from orginal estimated occupancy date) then they are obligated to return all deposits paid with interest (as little as it may be)

Unfortunately, they are not bound by those laws since sales started in May 2008.
Yeah I bought a unit back in 2009. WTF....just 3 people working on site?? I have this week off work so I thought I would drive by the site to see if there's anyone working there. Last week I called beaverbrook, asked about what the status is for evolution condos and the lady just forwarded me to a voicemail. Sigh...
Yeah I bought a unit back in 2009. WTF....just 3 people working on site?? I have this week off work so I thought I would drive by the site to see if there's anyone working there. Last week I called beaverbrook, asked about what the status is for evolution condos and the lady just forwarded me to a voicemail. Sigh...

Welcome to our world! We bought May 2008. The woman that are supposed to speak to is Roberta. She knows nothing. She will tell you that everything is on track for March 2012. Looks as though their priority now is terrace condos in stouffville. Look at The Terrace website and check out the blog and you can see when they started construction and where they are at now. Nothing to be proud of but at least those buyers have something to look at.

Let us know if you get any further with calling them. Personally I think it's time for buyers to get together and put some pressure and them.
yeah I got a letter from them last week...closing date delayed almost a whole year. I went down to the site 2 weeks ago and I spoke with one of the construction people there. Apparently the delay was due to some engineering problem. He wouldn't elaborate but I think it might have had to do with the townhouses....perhaps they were worried digging a hole beside them might screw up the foundations or something.
we have to next december and then we can pull out the are supposed to be done 2012 december they are PISS POOR COMPANY but we got another STUPID CHRISTMAS CARD AGAIN....
Nobody's made an Evolution-takes-millions-of-years joke yet?

I feel for the people who bought here... I bought a unit from Beaverbrook (Printing Factory) in early 2007. Our occupancy was about a year overdue, which isn't too bad I guess. Beaverbrook is an awful company to deal with. If you want answers, you might as well go out and howl at the moon for all the good it will do.
