so, the study suggests that the hazy stage right between consciousness and sleep—called N1 or hypnagogia—can spark creativity???
i sure hope they’re right because i seem to be spending more and more time every day in that hazy stage right between consciousness and sleep every year.
give it a couple more years and richard florida might even let me join his creative class!
appreciate the compliment but most of what shines is simply knowing what i like and what i don’t; not being afraid to communicate it; always choosing quality in design and execution; and then picking good people, giving them the freedom to execute and making sure everyone is paid fairly.
having said that, not enough people do those things so maybe that does qualify as being creative.
From the National Post... Santa Coca-Cola: Bishop Antonio Staglianò had clearly had enough of the jolly old elf in the red suit when schoolchildren visited a church in Sicily recently. He railed against Santa Claus as a construct of Coca-Cola, using the red suit for advertising purposes. When a child said her parents told her Santa was real, the bishop said she should tell her parents, “You tell lies.” The local diocese has since then gently attempted to soften the bishop's comments. We may hear more from Bishop Staglianò in a few months on the subject of the Easter Bunny.