Hiya, I'm on the 15th facing south, bought in 2007... They were better priced in 2006 no doubt.

I got that update in the mail actually. Unfortunately I was in Algonquin Park during the buyers get together.. did I miss much?

Did you join the facebook group?

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How early do people have their move in dates? Mine is April 22 and I'm on the 8th flr. Hope everything goes smoothly with no further delays!
Hey wongnog, I'm on the 15th flr and should be moving in mid-May. I'd have to check the Agreement again, but I think they are obligated to provide 90 days' notice of change....so it looks like we're pretty well set. Good luck!
Anyone been contacted yet about their pre-delivery inspection? Communication from the builder is so sparse, I have a friend who moved into a Monarch building in Scarborough and they had an information meet and greet about 6 months before move-in for all purchasers where they went over everything from move-in dates, to PDI, even had various cable/phone/hydro companies there to answer questions. I guess not all builders can be that great but as a first time condo owner I wish I'd get more feedback from Goldman/Lash. Inviting purchasers over for a 530 St. Clair "party" doesn't count because all it was was a sales pitch to purchase units for the new building! Absolutely no new info for all the existing purchasers.

Anyway guess I'm just getting antsy, less than three months til move in for me!
Hey Wongnog,
Completely in agreement with you re: lack of communication on the part of the Builder. As it happens, I did call Head Office today to inquire about the PDI and was informed that letters would be going out this week and that PDI's will be held 1 week prior to occupancy date. I was also informed that the move-in date will not change.

I am a little disappointed with this Builder. The only way I knew that Bell was the chosen provider for our building was through communication from Bell! I'm in a Minto building now and we had received an exhaustive package of information well in advance of move-in period. Let's see if things improve as the time gets closer.

Also found the upgrade process was not handled very professionally with a consultant who was not readily on hand to answer questions and who did not seem to know much beyond designer related finishes and colours. Not a great start with this Builder :-(
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I forgot there was this thread in the real estate forum... as I stated in the projects and construction forum, my move-in date has been pushed back from April 22 to June 14. Apparently they have to give you at least 65 days notice (not 90 as previously mentioned here) which they were just within. I don't think all units are delayed, just mine and similar ones above and below me.

As for Bell being the official provider, I have not heard anything of that sort. In fact I got a call from Rogers on my machine advertising a special VIP package for my new move. So I have no idea what that means... Do we still have a choice?

Also in the p&c thread someone mentioned there are no weekend move-ins. That's probably because we don't have 24/7 concierge so I'm guess no weekend security either. I wonder if that's something the condo board will eventually try and push for, but I'm sure it will increase our maintenance costs substantially.
Yes, actually, there will be no concierge service until the building is 50% occupied. Just hope they have someone readily available to deal with defects the first little while.

At my Minto building they had an onsite Customer Care office for a full year and the builder responded to issues throughout the year not just at the 30-day, 1-year mark.
I'm in touch with Lash Development handling my move in for March 15. Inspection is scheduled for the previous week.

I asked about communications providers and was told that we can make our own arrangements with whoever we like. No other information provided.

I too am finding information pretty sparse. They answer questions but don't appear to volunteer much. I have asked a couple of other questions and was told bythe Lash rep that she would enquire and let me know.

It might be worth while for each of us as individuals to suggest that Lash/Goldman provide more information along the lines provided by other developers. If they realize that they are going to have to respond to the same questions from every new owner over the next few months they might consider getting together a package.
I'm in touch with Lash Development handling my move in for March 15. Inspection is scheduled for the previous week.

I asked about communications providers and was told that we can make our own arrangements with whoever we like. No other information provided.

I too am finding information pretty sparse. They answer questions but don't appear to volunteer much. I have asked a couple of other questions and was told bythe Lash rep that she would enquire and let me know.

It might be worth while for each of us as individuals to suggest that Lash/Goldman provide more information along the lines provided by other developers. If they realize that they are going to have to respond to the same questions from every new owner over the next few months they might consider getting together a package.

I would be happy to send an email to Lash requesting such an information package be distributed to purchasers. I'm scheduled to move in May 12, so perhaps you can give the rest of us some feedback on your experience with the move.
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Requesting information package

I would be happy to send an email to Lash requesting such an information package be distributed to purchasers. I'm scheduled to move in May 12, so perhaps you can give the rest of us some feedback on your experience with the move.

I have sent a message to Lash Development asking for an information package and suggest that those who are planning move-ins do the same. I had posed a number of questions about security, mail delivery, garbage collection, concierge services, locker, gym and others. I was told I would get information the day I move in which I think is too late.

I will certainly let you all know how I do with the inspection and move in.

Requesting information from developer

I would be happy to send an email to Lash requesting such an information package be distributed to purchasers. I'm scheduled to move in May 12, so perhaps you can give the rest of us some feedback on your experience with the move.

I have sent a message to Lash Development asking for an information package and suggest that those who are planning move-ins do the same. I had posed a number of questions about security, mail delivery, garbage collection, concierge services, locker, gym and others. I was told I would get information the day I move in which I think is too late.

I will certainly let you all know how I do with the inspection and move in.


I have heard through the grape vine that occupancy has started... Finally!! I have also received an e-mail from the developer giving more information... Apparently there is a concierge there as of today. I am really excited about moving in in May.
Looks like queries from the owners have precipitated the email communication. At least they are trying....and good to hear we will receive a manual.
Looking to buy at 500 St. Clair


I was wondering if there are units available for sale/assignment at 500 St. Clair?


