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The tale of the tape

Globe and Mail Update

February 28, 2008 at 9:35 PM EST

OTTAWA — The voice on the scratchy tape is unmistakably Stephen Harper's.

It was as unmistakable as his concern that the tape's contents might one day be made public. Mr. Harper interrupted a B.C. reporter in 2005 when asked about allegations his party had offered financial enticements to a dying MP to win his support on a critical vote.

“This is not for publication?†Mr. Harper asked Tom Zytaruk.

He was told that the interview was intended as fodder for a biography of Chuck Cadman, the late MP from Surrey, B.C.

But the ensuing two minutes, 21 seconds of audio raise questions about apparent discrepancies between what the Prime Minister said Thursday and what Mr. Harper himself said on the tinny tape more than two years ago.

The Prime Minister said Thursday he looked into claims Mr. Cadman was offered financial considerations and determined they were untrue.

The tape suggests Mr. Harper was not only aware of a financial offer to Mr. Cadman, but that he gave it the go-ahead, while urging party emissaries not to “press†Mr. Cadman too hard.

Mr. Harper's conversation with B.C. journalist Tom Zytaruk took place outside the Cadman residence just after Mr. Harper paid a courtesy visit to the former MP's widow shortly after his death.

“The offer to Chuck was that it was only to replace financial considerations he might lose due to an election,†Mr. Harper says.

And Mr. Harper says of the people who made the offer: “They were legitimately representing the party.â€

Here's how Mr. Harper summarizes his instructions to those party operatives: “I said, 'Don't press (Mr. Cadman), I mean, you have this theory that it's, you know, financial insecurity, and you know, just, you know, if that's what you're saying make that case,' but I said, 'Don't press it.â€'

The Liberals have already sent a letter to the RCMP asking for an investigation into whether the entire incident could violate the bribery provisions in Section 119 of the Criminal Code. The Mounties said Thursday they're examining the request.

Mr. Harper is clear on the tape that he never expected the overtures to succeed. Mr. Cadman did in fact vote to rescue the Martin government.

“I don't know the details. I can tell you that I had told the individuals, I mean, they wanted to do it. But I told them they were wasting their time. I said Chuck had made up his mnd.â€
Where is the law and order agenda when you need it? Perhaps we should expect Harper to set aside his position as PM for the duration of what will be a criminal investigation? That's what an honourable, moral leader should have done.

so are we gonna see some mafiaesque portrayal of the conservatives on the front page of a newspaper? "made him an offer he couldn't refuse" :D
It's nice to see Harper has done such a good job cleaning up the government and eliminating corruption.
My fear is that he'll call a snap election and fight the liberals at the polls. Harper could be thinking that this scandal only evens the odds, as the liberals are weak right now.
The story will remain unfunded and never become a movie as the content presents values that are unsuitable for the whole family.

That's Canadian content I would pay to see.

Hmm, speaking of Harper - where is he now? I suppose the dear leader is now hiding from the media as he always does whenever controversy dogs him. Thankfully for others around him, it's his voice that's being caught on tape.

Interestingly, there aren't any articles on the Post website on the said subject today. I wonder why?

Harper is smart...

He knows if he does the right thing like Martin did (call an inquiry) your screwed.

If you just stay quite like Chretien use to, we all forget.
Harper is smart...

He knows if he does the right thing like Martin did (call an inquiry) your screwed.

If you just stay quite like Chretien use to, we all forget.

Harper's not all that smart. He allowed himself to be recorded where he stated knowledge that members of his party were offering what could be construed as a bribe in exchange for a parliamentary vote.

When it comes to electioneering on grounds of morality, Harper has just lost his self-assumed moral high ground.
Harper threatens to sue Dion over Cadman allegations

The Globe and Mail


Globe and Mail Update

March 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM EST

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper shot back at the Liberals over the Chuck Cadman affair Monday, filing a notice of libel suit against Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion and two other top members of his caucus.

Court documents obtained by CTV and The Globe and Mail say two articles published on the Liberal website were “devastatingly defamatory.â€

The notice of libel, which also names Liberal Deputy Leader Michael Ignatieff and House Leader Ralph Goodale, takes on the Opposition for saying that Mr. Harper knew Conservative party officials attempted to bribe Mr. Cadman to vote against a Liberal budget in the spring of 2005.

Mr. Cadman's wife, Dona Cadman – who is also a Conservative candidate – and her daughter and son-in-law say the dying MP told them that two men representing the Conservatives approached him in the days before the vote and offered a million-dollar life insurance policy in exchange for his support in bringing down the Liberals.

The articles that are the subject of the lawsuit threat are headlined “Harper knew of Conservative bribery†and “Harper must come clean about allegations of Conservative Bribery.â€

The articles allege that Mr. Harper, when he was opposition leader, was aware that the party officials were trying to bribe Mr. Cadman in exchange for his vote – and ask whether Mr. Harper was aware that such attempts to influence an MP were criminal, according to the notice of libel.

“These statements are false and devastatingly defamatory,†say the documents. “These malicious and reckless statements impugn the reputation of the Prime Minister and meant, and were understood to mean inter alia, that the Prime Minister knew of a bribe of a Member of Parliament and was an accomplice to that bribe.â€

The libel notice says the articles suggest that Mr. Harper is “dishonest, unethical, immoral and lack integrity.†The documents also say the articles suggest that Mr. Harper “knowingly breached the Criminal Code of Canada.â€

Mr. Harper's lawyers are demanding the immediate retraction of the articles and their removal from the Liberal party website as well as an apology from Mr. Dion in Parliament.

They also want any electronic or paper data that the Liberals may have collected that relate to the case.

None of Mr. Harper's allegations has been proven. The offending articles were still posted on the Liberal Party website at midmorning Monday.

“The defamatory statements are egregious. The articles are not a fair and accurate report of the proceedings in the House of Commons and are not privileged,†concludes the libel notice.

Further, “they were made maliciously and with a reckless disregard for the truth.â€

Representatives of Mr. Dion and the Liberal party were not immediately available to comment of the case.

The Cadman affair dominated the Commons Question Period last week and is expected to do so again this week.
Ooh! He should do it, he should do it! C'mon, Dion, don't back down this time! You'll wipe the floor with him! He has no case.

For a man who never saw a belt without wanting to hit below it, and who makes every wild imaginary acccusation he can think of (Remember "Martin supports child pornography"?), squealing about libel is wildly hilarious.
The advantage, of course, of any kind of legal proceedings is that the government can skirt serious questions on this issue behind the veil of "It would be inappropriate to comment as the matter is before the courts" or something along those lines.

This suing business is really, really bizarre. Why isn't he suing Cadman's wife, she's the one who let the cash, er, cat out of the bag?

Not the first time Harper has tried to silence the Opposition with threats of legal action. I'm beginning to think our prime minister was really abused or bullied as a child growing up in Ontario...where else could so much rage and anger come from? Hm, i wonder if he'll sue ME now for speculating that he may have a Type II mental illness, like post-traumatic stress or something.

Crazy times in Canadian politics.
