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Apr 22, 2008
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S&P/Case-Shiller index shows U.S. values falling below 2009 trough

By Greg Robb, MarketWatch

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — U.S. home prices fell in March for the eighth straight month, confirming the beleaguered housing market has entered a double-dip recession, according to a closely followed index released Tuesday

Home prices in 20 major U.S. cities declined 0.8% in March on a non-seasonally adjusted basis, according to the Case-Shiller home-price index released by Standard & Poor’s.

Prices fell in 18 of 20 cities in March on a monthly basis. Only Washington, D.C., and Seattle showed advances. Over the past year, only Washington, D.C., has seen prices advance.

Prices fell 3.6% on a year-over-year basis in March, compared with a 3.3% year-over-year drop in February.

The 20-city index is now below its April 2009 trough, meaning that home prices have fully retreated from gains posted from May 2009 through June 2010, putting housing in a double-dip downturn.

“Home prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight,†said David Blitzer, chairman of the index committee at Standard & Poor’s. Read the full S&P release.

Housing has been plagued by issues that have created a Gordian knot for the sector.

On the supply side, an oversupply of distressed properties is pushing prices down. There are also worries of a so-called shadow inventory of homes that sellers and banks want to list but have not, waiting for a more favorable environment.

On the demand side, many consumers are still having difficulty qualifying for mortgages, even though rates are low.

Economists have said that a healthy labor market could help cure these ills, but the labor market has been struggling, as well.

Some economists believe that sales may pick up if buyers become convinced that mortgage rates are likely to rise, given talk of a Federal Reserve exit from its easy monetary policy.

Lou Crandall, chief economist at Wrightson ICAP, said he thinks home prices will be down 4% on a year-over-year basis this summer before starting to turn higher.

The S&P/Case-Shiller index is based on a three-month moving average of home prices. So the March data reflect price data for January, February and March. This makes the index less volatile than other house-price gauges, notably from CoreLogic and the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

In ascending order, here’s how each of the 20 cities fared over the past year: Minneapolis, down 10%; Phoenix, down 8.4%; Chicago, down 7.6%; Portland, Ore., down 7.6%; Seattle, down 7.5%; Tampa, Fla., down 6.9%; Charlotte, N.C., down 6.8%; Cleveland, down 6.3%; Miami, Fla., down 6.1%; Las Vegas, down 5.3%; Atlanta, down 5.2%; San Francisco, down 5.1%; San Diego, down 4.0%; Denver, down 3.8%; New York, down 3.4%; Boston, down 2.7%; Dallas, down 2.5%; %; Los Angeles, down 1.7%; Detroit, down 0.9%; and Washington D.C., up 4.3%.
Nowhere near rock bottom right now. A second massive wave of foreclosures is coming. It is a good time to buy, especially short sales and foreclosures if you have some money to do some home improvements.

Another major reason (why the housing market will continue to get worse) is because it is much more difficult to get approved now for a mortgage. Another thing that will absolutely kill the housing market is if Obama gets his way and gets rid of the mortgage tax deduction.

We've got an aging baby boomer population many of whom own multiple homes which account for a majority of their net worth. those same boomers are working longer because they simply can't afford to retire. They are hoping to sell their still vastly overpriced homes to those of younger American generations. The folks aged 50 to 60 aren't terribly interested in buying baby boomer houses and instead are closer to the day they too are looking to sell. Some of the folks aged 35 to 50 could afford to buy the homes the older generation wants to sell but many of them have been burned so bad on their own housing purchases that they can't afford to trade up like the generations before them. And then there is the 25 to 35 crowd of which record numbers still live with mom and dad and while they flip bugers and the advanced degree collects dust. Oh yeah, and they also happen to have exponentially higher student loans than any generation before them...and then there are all the unemployed. Who in God's name is going to account for the sale transactions that so much of our population is counting on at inflated prices when most of those younger have so much less than those before them?

The housing appreciation pyramid has collapsed under itself (on average) and most of the pain is yet to come.
