This was the north side of Infinity 3-4. So. Did they just ex-changes towers ? or they rotate building from north to south ?


welcome to UT baramburum ... while I don't mind my photos being used, I'm pretty sure I am the author of the above photo which you've taken the time to transfer to your own server and then re-post ... I would appreciate if my work was referenced or permission to use was sought

My original post that the above photo was derived from:

I believe like Infinity 1+2, Infinity3 is the east tower of the pair @ 35 storeys, while Infinity4 is the west tower @ 16 storeys, the 2 buildings are joined by a 12 storeys link along the north street edge:

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Do people really need permission to repost a picture of a model? lol I can't believe how petty people are. Christ, it's only a picture of a developer's model.
welcome to UT baramburum ... while I don't mind my photos being used, I'm pretty sure I am the author of the above photo which you've taken the time to transfer to your own server and then re-post ... I would appreciate if my work was referenced or permission to use was sought

My original post that the above photo was derived from:

You are paranoiac ? I didn`t decelerated it is my photos, and i did`t post it as a new things. I just use it as an example, to explain my question. And i find it in the internet. If you so concern about, you should watermark your "exclusivity".

There is a very good picture program - called InfranView. It very small, doesn`t require the installation and it can do a lot of amazing things - fast. You can add you drawing (F12) or any your watermarks - automatically ! Strongly recommend this free soft
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He/she's entitled to be petty... he/she took the time to go down and take the picture. But it's probably unlikely that he/she got permission from the artist who actually created model to use the picture of the model in the public realm... but... yeah... let's not go there. Nor does the picture taker acknowledge the artist's name who did the model... kinda sad... and pathetic and petty... but... yeah... let's not go there.
Well, that's the thing, you don't always know who took the original picture, if you got it off Google. If you're just using it to make a quick example of something, who wants to take the time searching around, trying to find the original poster? It's not like you're making any money off it or stealing someone's glory. It's only a picture of someone else's work. (the model builder) I just think it's silly to make an issue of it but that's just my 2 cents worth.
You are paranoiac ? I didn`t decelerated it is my photos, and i did`t post it as a new things. I just use it as an example, to explain my question. And i find it in the internet. If you so concern about, you should watermark your "exclusivity".

This is no way to respond to a polite request to reference a photo belonging to another user of this forum. It may seem petty given the content of the photo, but the fact remains it's Solaris' property and I'd be irked too if someone posted a pic of mine without reference to where it came from. Even if you just innocently found it somewhere unconnected to this forum, you could at least have the manners not to infer that someone is paranoid for claiming what is rightfully theirs.
Anyone posting photos on UrbanToronto which they did not take should be referencing the author of the photo, and it is certainly not "petty" of the originator of the photo to ask for a photo credit. In theory, those wishing to repost a photo should ask permission first, although in practice we know that rarely happens. If the originator were unhappy that a photo had been reposted against their wishes, UrbanToronto would take it down.

There would the the entrance to Infinity 3 ?


Solaris said he made this photo, but, sorry, there are no any fingerprint there
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Rental units in Infinity 1 and 2 always seem a bit high priced to me. Okay, the whole area seems high priced to me. That said, does anyone have an opinion on if rents are likely to come down, or go sideways, due to competition from Ice and even Infinity 3 and 4?

supply and demand seem to dictate it... with ICE, I think here will be a lot of supply... but then again... because it's expensive to begin with, the rental prices there will be considerably higher - more like MLS... so MLS prices may go down or be in line, but Infinity is another ball game. As long as one is able to recoup costs and can make some profit (even a little) - with new condos and more expensive prices, your looking at slightly higher prices in the newer unit versus the older ones. I would think.
Is the conservatory group a good and reliable builder that has a good end product? Where do they ranked in the city?
Honest feedback would be appreciated.
it's... um.. okay, don't expect anything fancy

not sure where they rank... I don't think they even make the charts....
friend lives there and it's ok, nothing special, fancy or glamorous... it's a "meh" kinda building... a place to live that isn't upscale - rather typical, but can certainly be better than some others.
the quality? I think it's all standard stuff from what I've seen... haven't been overly impressed going in - to me, it's just the usual kind of stuff you would see in any condo.
not sure if my comments, help... but thought I'd put in my cents for what it's worth..
Final closing?

I think the problem might be that Infinity was one of the first buildings of the boom. Things have gotten better since. Unfortunately they didn't make any changes to the second phase.

anyone have any idea on when Infinity3 final closing will be? anyone get any documentation or notice on final closing?
