Guess who is getting multiple phone calls and emails all of the sudden advising me to rush in and do a unit is STILL not ready and probably won't be until early next week to even do an initial PDI (as I have been told). If this is the case, I won't be able to go in for one until late next week...any suggestions on what to do? Occupancy pending for Monday. Another example of the lack of organization and customer service!! Nevertheless, I am happy for those who FINALLY received occupancy today:)
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Got my keys today. Poor Artur. I don't get why people took their anger out on him. Some were even cursing at him. He looked spent. Anyways, I was able to walk around the building. There's a LOT of work to be done, of course. I like the white tiles in the lobby. Um, if you have big pieces...good luck getting them in that little doorway to the moving elevator. Elevators are on the small side I think. Some units were left open so I decided to take a look. Some were concrete bunkers...others were nearly done. I will say...there are some very nice looking units in this building. Some of the rooms are simply huge with massive windows and great views. I still don't get the whole heat pump rental thing at $40 a clip..add the $0.62/ft maintenance and this is a very pricey building. Closing costs should be a laugher.

Oh...and parking won't be ready for a while. They haven't even built a curb's a regular sidewalk right now. I didn't buy a spot but have a car. There are some lots in the area I'l have to use for the time being.
Got my keys today. Poor Artur. I don't get why people took their anger out on him. Some were even cursing at him. He looked spent. Anyways, I was able to walk around the building. There's a LOT of work to be done, of course. I like the white tiles in the lobby. Um, if you have big pieces...good luck getting them in that little doorway to the moving elevator. Elevators are on the small side I think. Some units were left open so I decided to take a look. Some were concrete bunkers...others were nearly done. I will say...there are some very nice looking units in this building. Some of the rooms are simply huge with massive windows and great views. I still don't get the whole heat pump rental thing at $40 a clip..add the $0.62/ft maintenance and this is a very pricey building. Closing costs should be a laugher.
Oh...and parking won't be ready for a while. They haven't even built a curb's a regular sidewalk right now. I didn't buy a spot but have a car. There are some lots in the area I'l have to use for the time being.

Thanks for the insight...I'll continue saving my $$$ much for Lamb's rant about how he wants to make a first home buyers experience a good one...some experience don't you think...with a huge price tag attached to it and counting...
Got my keys today. Poor Artur. I don't get why people took their anger out on him. Some were even cursing at him. He looked spent. Anyways, I was able to walk around the building. There's a LOT of work to be done, of course. I like the white tiles in the lobby. Um, if you have big pieces...good luck getting them in that little doorway to the moving elevator. Elevators are on the small side I think. Some units were left open so I decided to take a look. Some were concrete bunkers...others were nearly done. I will say...there are some very nice looking units in this building. Some of the rooms are simply huge with massive windows and great views. I still don't get the whole heat pump rental thing at $40 a clip..add the $0.62/ft maintenance and this is a very pricey building. Closing costs should be a laugher.

Oh...and parking won't be ready for a while. They haven't even built a curb's a regular sidewalk right now. I didn't buy a spot but have a car. There are some lots in the area I'l have to use for the time being.

Is the maintenance fee on the square footage of the unit or square footage + balcony/terrace? I forgot what this was and don't have my agreement in front of me.

TheKingEast, I'm sure there are people who have a spot but don't have a car that you can rent from, e.g. I'm one of them for the time being. But you say the parking is not ready??? That's no good!

How do you like the choice of your finishes? How's the quality? Does it feel like a high quality unit / building?

Is the maintenance fee on the square footage of the unit or square footage + balcony/terrace? I forgot what this was and don't have my agreement in front of me.

TheKingEast, I'm sure there are people who have a spot but don't have a car that you can rent from, e.g. I'm one of them for the time being. But you say the parking is not ready??? That's no good!

How do you like the choice of your finishes? How's the quality? Does it feel like a high quality unit / building?

fees are supposed to be based on interior sq footage only.......hopefully parking garage will be ready by the end of the week .i am going into my unit tomorrow[sun] and hope to have oppucancy docs done this my first pdi must say that i was disappointed overall but it was so dirty!!!!! the biggest detail that pisses me off are the cupboard doors in front hall and bedrooms the cheapest doors known to mankind that will absolutely have to be replaced by moi public housing units have better doors than that.......views are 100 percent though .....tomorrow i will post my new impression overall of the unit et al................from the outside the building rocks......location is amazing ....upside in values is evident from 2009 purchase time for me........when the pan am games come in 2015 and rivercity is complete this area will soar further i think......
Is the maintenance fee on the square footage of the unit or square footage + balcony/terrace? I forgot what this was and don't have my agreement in front of me.

TheKingEast, I'm sure there are people who have a spot but don't have a car that you can rent from, e.g. I'm one of them for the time being. But you say the parking is not ready??? That's no good!

How do you like the choice of your finishes? How's the quality? Does it feel like a high quality unit / building?

Where do I begin?

I'll tell you one thing. The finishes are quite nice. Not superb...but nice. But the workmanship is shit. Like, it's really bad. Brought my mom over to see my suite and there were so many things she pointed out. Whoever did the drywall and painting should be fired on the spot. I can see all the taping in several parts of my unit. You can literally see where the sheets of drywall begin and end. Then I can see the actual tape popping out from under the plaster in my shower. Where's the quality control?

The funniest part is there's a paper outside my unit that says "Final Cleaning Completed...please use booties to enter unit"(paraphrasing). Yet the unit looked like it was cleaned by a blind man. There is nothing but dust and construction boots prints all over the place. Caulking and paint is EVERYWHERE...on the floors, the concrete walls, ceillings, gass doors, etc. The tiling job is also amateur. My closet doors were not hung. I couldn't believe how they could hand the unit over to someone like that. The place I'm moving from cost 1/2 the price and is superior....I just don't now what to say.

Another thing I noticed is the toilets are for children. If you're above 5'8 and have a penis...have fun taking a shit. It's absurdly small. I'm 6'3. I have to look for a toilet now..and a painter...and a handyman.

Nice finishes but the execution is so poor it makes it even worse.

I think it will look nice when all is said and done, but I'm going to have to now spend money out of pocket to get things done propertly. So I probably won't buy a Lamb deveopment and I sure as hell will NEVER EVER EVER buy a development that uses 59 construction. With the amount of money I spent on this thing 3 years ago and the high costs attributed with this property...I expect much better. I'm very disappointed and that's excuding the delays/lack of communication/etc. Garbage.

Hope that helps.
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Where do I begin?

I'll tell you one thing. The finishes are quite nice. Not superb...but nice. But the workmanship is shit. Like, it's really bad. Brought my mom over to see my suite and there were so many things she pointed out. Whoever did the drywall and painting should be fired on the spot. I can see all the taping in several parts of my unit. You can literally see where the sheets of drywall begin and end. Then I can see the actual tape popping out from under the plaster in my shower. Where's the quality control?

The funniest part is there's a paper outside my unit that says "Final Cleaning Completed...please use booties to enter unit"(paraphrasing). Yet the unit looked like it was cleaned by a blind man. There is nothing but dust and construction boots prints all over the place. Caulking and paint is EVERYWHERE...on the floors, the concrete walls, ceillings, gass doors, etc. The tiling job is also amateur. My closet doors were not hung. I couldn't believe how they could hand the unit over to someone like that. The place I'm moving from cost 1/2 the price and is superior....I just don't now what to say.

Another thing I noticed is the toilets are for children. If you're above 5'8 and have a penis...have fun taking a shit. It's absurdly small. I'm 6'3. I have to look for a toilet now..and a painter...and a handyman.

Nice finishes but the execution is so poor it makes it even worse.

I think it will look nice when all is said and done, but I'm going to have to now spend money out of pocket to get things done propertly. So I probably won't buy a Lamb deveopment and I sure as hell will NEVER EVER EVER buy a development that uses 59 construction. With the amount of money I spent on this thing 3 years ago and the high costs attributed with this property...I expect much better. I'm very disappointed and that's excuding the delays/lack of communication/etc. Garbage.

Hope that helps.

I guess the saying "appearances can be deceiving" suits this project just right. The outside looks great, but the inside is another least for the time being. I purchased thinking that this building would set itself apart from the many other projects out there, and although I have not seen my unit just yet, it's sad to say that my expectations are extremely low at this point. Perhaps I will start looking for some handymen now and bring them along to my PDI lol. B/w while I am searching for furniture/household items, I will keep an eye out for toilets on sale...that sucks!!
I have viewing on Monday for 11th floor. I'll try to snap some pics.

Just a heads may want to call George and ask if your unit is ready before going in because if it is not, they will cancel the appointment or in my case not show up. Lamb's office is booking PDIs no matter what, but George is the one you should be contacting as he will tell you the truth.
Just a heads may want to call George and ask if your unit is ready before going in because if it is not, they will cancel the appointment or in my case not show up. Lamb's office is booking PDIs no matter what, but George is the one you should be contacting as he will tell you the truth.

So still call George? I thought he was out of the picture. Can you IM me his number?
Yesterday, I was suppose to have my PDI for my unit. No one called me to reschedule or cancel the appointment. I scheduled this PDI weeks ahead and no one showed up at the office. I contacted George and he told me that none of the suites above the 8th/9th floor were ready and had no idea exactly when I was able to see my unit. He told me it would take maybe 3-4 more weeks. He would not reschedule my PDI and told me to contact Marisa at Lamb Development Corp. to schedule the PDI. He told me that they took over the scheduling for PDIs.
Yes Marissa took over for scheduling about 1-2 weeks ago. I've lost my number for George if anyone has it message it to me please.
boomix, I sent you a PM with George's number.

Sorry Boomix, I just logged on.

What floor are you on hello kitty? I'm on the 9th and I went through and continue to experience the same thing...if you view my previous posts you will see--PDI appointments cancelled twice and I too showed and no one was there. DO NOT DEAL WITH MARISA!! Go through George only...once he confirms, then call Marisa and book. Just so you know, Marisa told me that my unit had heat, water, etc. and it did not--that was like last week. I have advised my lawyer of all of this especially because I cannot make it in for a PDI on Monday, so we shall see what will happen. I am unsure if the fact that they kept delaying without ample notice changes things a bit, and your lawyer may be able to work something out plus the cancelled PDIs don't help on their end, but not sure...I will speak to my lawyer tomorrow and will let you know for sure.
I'm on the 11th floor. The thing is I scheduled my appointment with George when he first sent that email. When I came down to see my unit yesterday, he did not know that I was coming, as he stated that he was no longer responsible for booking the appointments. So right now I don't even know if Marisa even has a record that I had booked the appointment initially. Did they really have an expectation that no one wants to see their units before the closing date? My interim closing date is next week and George stated that my unit will not be ready for that time. I still have to deal with Marisa because I need to find out what happened with my appointment in the first place.
