There are people that have closing costs that are $20K, 30K+. Meanwhile we have received a SHIT product from Lamb. The construction is shit. I'm talking structural issues! I feel scammed as do many other owners. I hope a lot of the crap that has gone on here comes to light. I look at his other projects under construction with the same shit construction company and laugh. Good luck to those purchasers. You will get screwed with non-existent customer service, a shit product and closing costs that would make the most seasoned lawyer shake his head.

Ask any owner in the building how they feel... You'll probably get cursed out. LOL.
There are people that have closing costs that are $20K, 30K+. Meanwhile we have received a SHIT product from Lamb. The construction is shit. I'm talking structural issues! I feel scammed as do many other owners. I hope a lot of the crap that has gone on here comes to light. I look at his other projects under construction with the same shit construction company and laugh. Good luck to those purchasers. You will get screwed with non-existent customer service, a shit product and closing costs that would make the most seasoned lawyer shake his head.

Ask any owner in the building how they feel... You'll probably get cursed out. LOL.

are you selling immediately
My lawyer and I are still trying to figure it out. I had caps and still had to pay $12-13K in adjustments for a 1 bedroom unit. Make sense to you?

I've also been waiting 6+ months to have original PDI deficiencies fixed. Ludicrous - BJL has to be the most amateur developer in the city. Bush league!
My lawyer and I are still trying to figure it out. I had caps and still had to pay $12-13K in adjustments for a 1 bedroom unit. Make sense to you?

Closing costs are overall high but you can't cap everything...just so you know, Lamb's newer projects have parks levy alone at $10,000 for closing!!
I've also been waiting 6+ months to have original PDI deficiencies fixed. Ludicrous - BJL has to be the most amateur developer in the city. Bush league!

i am down to one deficiency on my PDI ..tarion is slated for inspection mid may
Closing costs are overall high but you can't cap everything...just so you know, Lamb's newer projects have parks levy alone at $10,000 for closing!!

ive got a 2 bedroom 2 bath parking and storage great unit,paid 491k plus closing,i always thought it would be 515k close actual and alas that was the price 515k...the closing costs on future stuff agreed are going no where but up
Closing costs are overall high but you can't cap everything...just so you know, Lamb's newer projects have parks levy alone at $10,000 for closing!!

Closing costs are high, I agree, but I'm sorry. $14-15K on adjustments alone is not normal and Lamb is known for doing this.

ive got a 2 bedroom 2 bath parking and storage great unit,paid 491k plus closing,i always thought it would be 515k close actual and alas that was the price 515k...the closing costs on future stuff agreed are going no where but up

24K closing costs is on the high end but somewhat undrstandable for the size of your unit....but I've talked to people paying the same you paid for a <600 sqft unit. That's downright pathetic. But still I wouldn't even be that pissed off if the product wasn't poor. Perhaps you had a better experience, but mine along with others has been BAD.
I've also been waiting 6+ months to have original PDI deficiencies fixed. Ludicrous - BJL has to be the most amateur developer in the city. Bush league!

He's a businessman. Not a developer. How does a developer function the way he has? Their Customer Service is comprised of one person. LOL.
