Northern Light
I thought it might be worthwhile to compare the Labour Standards of Ontario with those of its neighbours.
Labour Standards can comprise: Minimum Wage, Overtime rules/pay, # of Statutory holidays, Meal Breaks, Paid Vacation time, etc.
In general, I would tend to favour more generous labour standards, not necessarily as generous as those of Europe; but at least as generous as those of our neighbours, if not more so.
With that in mind; a few comparisons for your consideration:
Work Week/ Overtime (the number of hours before overtime pay kicks in)
* each province/state has some jobs except from their standard laws
ONTARIO - 44 hours
Quebec - 40 Hours
BC - 40 Hours
Saskatchewan - 40 Hours
Manitoba - 40 Hours
New York State - 40 Hours
Michigan - 40 Hours
Alberta - 44 Hours
More comparisons to come!
Labour Standards can comprise: Minimum Wage, Overtime rules/pay, # of Statutory holidays, Meal Breaks, Paid Vacation time, etc.
In general, I would tend to favour more generous labour standards, not necessarily as generous as those of Europe; but at least as generous as those of our neighbours, if not more so.
With that in mind; a few comparisons for your consideration:
Work Week/ Overtime (the number of hours before overtime pay kicks in)
* each province/state has some jobs except from their standard laws
ONTARIO - 44 hours
Quebec - 40 Hours
BC - 40 Hours
Saskatchewan - 40 Hours
Manitoba - 40 Hours
New York State - 40 Hours
Michigan - 40 Hours
Alberta - 44 Hours
More comparisons to come!