Any other UT member who got their legacy to see their units, Very curious to know the feedback ? pics would be even better :) :) Thanks
Oh yeah, saying on the contract? I didn't know that...where, on which page? So there is no way to get any addendum or money back for the delay. I really hope they won't delay again. I am afarid that I will receive a letter from them and saying delay again.
Actually, my condo is for marriage. If it closed by last year or this year, I got married and got a kid already. SIGH.....

haha! we got it for marriage too! i would have to look again to see which page, but i remember asking my lawyer about that before we signed - and he said it was unlikely for Monarch to change the "margin of error" on the contract for ONE unit out of a few hundred...

it LOOKS like its almost done now though.. fingers crossed. Have fun at your PDI!!!
Assignment (Heron hill project)

would any of the buyers in either three phases of this construction (Yorkland, Ultra, Legacy) be able to confirm if Monarch has allowed any assignment clause for anyone ? I might be looking to sell my unit (probably) and was wondering if anyone has been able to negotiate the assignment (allowance) clause in the agreement of sale and purchase ? All feedback is appreciated. Thank You
would any of the buyers in either three phases of this construction (Yorkland, Ultra, Legacy) be able to confirm if Monarch has allowed any assignment clause for anyone ? I might be looking to sell my unit (probably) and was wondering if anyone has been able to negotiate the assignment (allowance) clause in the agreement of sale and purchase ? All feedback is appreciated. Thank You

Monarch doesnt allow assignment clause (I asked when buying Ultra 2 years ago)
My move in date is August 1st and I haven't received any info on my Pre-Delivery Inspection yet...

How long before move in did you guys get PDI info and schedule a date?
sounds like growing pains of a new condo .... but congrads nonetheless on your move-in .... when you have time could you share some photos of Legacy's interiors ??

cheers ~
I had moved in and I found there are some problems. I am wondering I am the only one has the problems. My refridge has no egg carrier (to put eggs) and only one small shelf in the freezer. The most important thing is there has no hot water. And also when I used the shower, lot of water still comes from the tap (valve), wasting water and less water pressure to the shower. I reported to the management office but they said every suite has the same problems. Just want to confirm!
I reported to the management office but they said every suite has the same problems. Just want to confirm!

Harrison, thats such a disgusting response from the management office, So are they saying each suite has the same problem ? and are they doing something about it ?

Also would any one of these should have been caught in a PDI by any chance ? It sucks to have such a reputable builder have such issues in all friggin units (if that is really the case).

Anyone else xperiencing similar issues - would be keen to know.
Anyone who live in Legacy confirm that you got notice of registration already? If so, that was quick!

I am currently out of town but I got a word of mouth message from my lawyer telling me that the registration closing date would be July 31st.

Can anyone confirm?
in many new refrigerators, they don't come with egg shelves (slots to place each individual eggs in). They usually just come with a blank shelf on the door. At least that's what i've noticed with the new fridges when i did my shopping. one shelf in the freezer is also common (usually tampered glass). As with the hot water issue, my guess is that the building is still very new and that the water in the boiler tank hasnt had the chance to really boil (heat up), possibly because they're still doing many tests and having to drain the boiling tank. There should be Customer Service reps you can speak to. Make sure you write everything down on the Tarion form that you were given and closely inspect the unit while you're in there (and again, write it down and submit it to the PDI Staff).

Congrats with your move
Fridges usually don't come with egg holders nowadays because eggs already come with them; they're called egg cartons. Built-in egg holders are pretty redundant.
