No fighting here - I love purple!
Well sure, Purple was great 45 minutes ago, but now you've unleashed the vintage TTC crowd, and they'll have nothing but maroon and cream!

TL/dr for City Parks Dept types: We want umbrellas!

Neon Thursday night ride hits the Lookout.
Positive review by @AlexBozikovic in the Globe.

I agree w/Alex's generally positive take, his omission of at least discussing the lack of trademark bold colour is curious, but the piece reads as a bit of an homage to Claude and I can see skipping over that in this context.

But I think the best, if most disheartening bit of Alex's column is close to its close and it speaks to the cultural problem in Parks...and Toronto.


What's worse? That in 15 years of work in Toronto, including arguably the City's most beloved small park, Berczy, no one helming Parks had ever even bothered to say 'Hi' to Claude or the absurdity that with arguably Canada's greatest living landscape architect (at the time) in attendance for the opening of a park he and his firm designed, no one asked him to speak?
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I agree w/Alex's generally positive take, his omission of at least discussing the lack of trademark bold colour is curious, but the piece reads as a bit of homage to Claude and I can see skipping over that in this context.

But I think the best, if most disheartening bit if Alex's column is close to its close and it speaks to the cultural problem in Parks...and Toronto.

View attachment 597491

What's worse? That in 15 years of work in Toronto, including arguably the City's most beloved small park, Berczy, no one helming Parks had ever even bothered to say 'Hi' to Claude or the absurdity that with arguably Canada's greatest living landscape architect (at the time) in attendance for the opening of a park he and his firm designed, no one asked him to speak?
Yeah, absolutely shocking. I know from several design/architectural firms that they struggle to have their company leads get some time to address the audience at ribbon cuttings. It should be standard that the designer gets some words in, no matter how well known they are, but when it happens that even the most revered practitioners don't even get asked? Well, that's appalling... and it happens all the time. At least some PR managers manage to get their design leads in front of the podium too. Claude did get to talk when Berczy Park opened, but it's ridiculous that the head of PF&R wasn't there for that. Telling, isn't it?

