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Aug 9, 2007
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I saw a price list for Library Condos from Context. They are starting from $450 psf aprox, which seems a bit low to me considering the current downtown market price, is it because the social housing buildings that are planned for that area?
Hi guys,

What do you think of the Library District vs. Carmelina condos? My girlfriend and I are looking to purchase a place for the first time, and these seem like the two that we would decide between. We've been looking a lot at LD so far, and it seems pretty good to us, but we're a bit concerned with it being near-ish the edge of our affordability, at least if we get a parking spot with a suite. We just looked up Carmelina the other day though, and it looks like it would be alot cheaper, and right next to a subway station. We don't know much about the building yet, aside from that it looks ok and some of the floor plans are ok as well.

My (personal) biggest interest is a place that's got good investment potential to go up in value in the 5 years or so we plan on living there for. Otherwise, proximity to downtown (as my girlfriend works there), TTC access closeby, a highway nearby, and a of course the building being good quality, are all things we were hoping to get. We've recently been pretty close to deciding to buy a place at LD, but my girlfriend seems to be getting cold feet a bit and worrying about price and maybe getting a place that's more halfway between downtown and Scarborough (where we currently live). To me LD seems like the much better place investment-wise, but then I don't know much about this stuff so I could be horribly wrong.
Actually, nevermind about Carmelina. Did a bit more research and it turns out they're far more expensive than Library District for some reason.

I'd still be interested in hearing any thoughts about buying a suite at Library District though.

Has anyone received a property tax bill? It's been over a year since closing and I still haven't received a bill for property tax?
Has anyone received a property tax bill? It's been over a year since closing and I still haven't received a bill for property tax?
The joy of pre-con ... it can takes ages for the property tax bill to catch up with you.

Does that mean that it's possible to receive a couple year's worth of property taxes at one time?
If I bought directly from the builder in a new but registered building, how soon can I expect to receive the bill for property taxes?
Can you request a property tax bill from the city?
I have heard of people not receiving bills for a couple of years, I don't know why. I think it took close to a year after registration before we got ours. I don't suppose it would hurt to give the city a shout.
There's an empty plot of land behind the Library / Library District Condos (North Side, East of Bathurst). Will Context be constructing another building there?
Yes, another building is going in as well as a park.

When will construction for the building/park begin? Is there an individual project thread for this development?

I'm glad to hear that another park is going in, there's always a shortage of parks in city centres.
