A friend of mine lives in the London building. She says her heating is not working at all and that the building isn't doing anything about it. Apparently theres a problem with the boiler and whole building is affected. brand new bulding, no heating, how ridiculous is that?
A friend of mine lives in the London building. She says her heating is not working at all and that the building isn't doing anything about it. Apparently theres a problem with the boiler and whole building is affected. brand new bulding, no heating, how ridiculous is that?

I think you not the only one, I think some people mentioned it in the thread. I have to put it at 80 fahrenheit to get the place warm which is really high and a waste.
I think you not the only one, I think some people mentioned it in the thread. I have to put it at 80 fahrenheit to get the place warm which is really high and a waste.

Crank it up to 90 if you want. Your pump will run 24/7 and all you are going to get is 72 MAX, possibly 73 if the sun is shining in..
I checked with my neighbours. It seems we are all suffering together. If you like it warmer than 72, then it's looks like its going to be a long winter.
I'm betting that they will have it fixed by April.:eek:
A friend of mine lives in the London building. She says her heating is not working at all and that the building isn't doing anything about it. Apparently theres a problem with the boiler and whole building is affected. brand new bulding, no heating, how ridiculous is that?

that's ridiculous if this is what's happening !

hope this doesn't sound ridiculous, but has everyone re-calibrated the thermostat(s) within their unit to make sure they are functioning properly ?!?

i have heard stories where it will say 24C but a thermometer actually read 20C.
Our heating seems to be fine in our suite in the east tower. I'm pretty sure the system is shared.

Haven't really heard anything about the amenities but they're usually the absolute last thing to be completed.
A little bit of a nitpick... The thermostat is in Fahrenheit... who the hell even uses that other than the U.S? It's an antiquated system that never made any sense. I'd really like to know the logic behind the installation of those here.

I figured the lower temp was from all the windows. But we leave the thermostat at about 78-79 which is about 5 degrees hotter than it should need to be.
A little bit of a nitpick... The thermostat is in Fahrenheit... who the hell even uses that other than the U.S? It's an antiquated system that never made any sense. I'd really like to know the logic behind the installation of those here.

I figured the lower temp was from all the windows. But we leave the thermostat at about 78-79 which is about 5 degrees hotter than it should need to be.

i bet no one has calibrated their thermostat ...
you should be able to change from F to C.

wasn't there a manual and instructions give to buyers during PDI on how to set it?
if not, talk to customer service ...
i bet no one has calibrated their thermostat ...
you should be able to change from F to C.

wasn't there a manual and instructions give to buyers during PDI on how to set it?
if not, talk to customer service ...

It might be under the cover. And you're probably right about the calibration. Personally I just turned it up until I was comfortable. :) I'll check under the cover when I get a chance though.

oh... and another thing I hate. our building website. Half the links are empty and now some links link out to other sites. Just make a blog site that's password protected and it's done. Easy to Maintain and looks like it wasn't put together by a college student.
A little bit of a nitpick... The thermostat is in Fahrenheit... who the hell even uses that other than the U.S? It's an antiquated system that never made any sense. I'd really like to know the logic behind the installation of those here.

I figured the lower temp was from all the windows. But we leave the thermostat at about 78-79 which is about 5 degrees hotter than it should need to be.

I guess I'm showing my age there, LOL. We flipped our thermostats from celcius to farenheit. Its easy to do with a little bit of fiddling of the programming.
As for heating the place we tried an experiment. (3 heat pumps in our unit)
We put all 3 up to 80 and left them like that for 24 hours. All three pumps ran constantly and the best we could get was 74 (sunny room) on one of the units. The other two wouldn't rise above 72. We verified all three by placing an ordinary thermometer by them.

Someone above mentioned recalibrating. Sure, I suppose we could do that and have them all read 4 or 5 dregrees warmer but that will not change the fundamental fact that the room temp.still hovers in the low 70's max.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what he is suggesting.
It might be under the cover. And you're probably right about the calibration. Personally I just turned it up until I was comfortable. :) I'll check under the cover when I get a chance though.

oh... and another thing I hate. our building website. Half the links are empty and now some links link out to other sites. Just make a blog site that's password protected and it's done. Easy to Maintain and looks like it wasn't put together by a college student.

I agree about the website. It's a bit lame to say the least.
I noticed on one of the posts over at Vu that one of the new residents has taken the inititive and started what appears to be a fairly neat site for his neighbours. I wish I was a litle more savvy at web site design, but pehaps someone here might try setting something up for all of us.
I agree about the website. It's a bit lame to say the least.
I noticed on one of the posts over at Vu that one of the new residents has taken the inititive and started what appears to be a fairly neat site for his neighbours. I wish I was a litle more savvy at web site design, but pehaps someone here might try setting something up for all of us.

I'm waiting till the board elections take place then I was thinking to get on it and take care of the whole thing. My design level is fairly adequate and my main work is programming so I think I can pretty much do something for the condo in my sleep.
Here's how you switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius

on your thermostat do the following:

1. hold down both buttons for a few seconds. you will see a large number 1 (function number) and a small number 1 appear (or a small number 0 this is the setting for that function).
2. let go of the buttons.
3. assuming you see a big 1 and a small 1, press the up and/or down arrow to change the small number 1 to a small number 0. if you see a big 1 and a small 0 then change it so it shows a big 1 and a small 1.
4. to get back to the main screen hold down both buttons again for a few seconds. you'll see a big 2 with a little number. let go and hold down both buttons again you'll see a big 3 ... keep doing this until you see the display show the current temperature in Celsius.

sorry for the confusing explanation, but essentially holding down both buttons scrolls you through the 5 or 6 functions in the unit, when you're on the function you want to change use the up and down arrow to select the sub function. to change to from F to C or C to F you need to edit function 1 and change it between 0 and 1 (F and C (not in that order)). then scroll through the remaining functions until it goes back to the main screen (which is now in the desired temperature scale)

let me know if you succeed, it definitely worked for me.
Our heating seems to be fine in our suite in the east tower. I'm pretty sure the system is shared.

the east tower is unaffected. it is only the west tower that is experiencing major problems. the systems are independent, they are not shared.
similar issue is going on in my building (murano). Apparently there are users that still don't have heat here. I didn't even notice there was an issue. Luckily I'm one of the few that still has heat.
