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And yet people are willing to be content with a 6 story walk in a desirable location in central Edmonton
The question is, do you want a nice tower along side barons of wasteland or some towers and some six stories at the same time? I'm. 54 and many of these empty lots remained as is since I was 18. That is 36 years ago, so, by that pace, it will take another 72 years to achieve density.
The question is, do you want a nice tower along side barons of wasteland or some towers and some six stories at the same time? I'm. 54 and many of these empty lots remained as is since I was 18. That is 36 years ago, so, by that pace, it will take another 72 years to achieve density.
Good enough for Edmonton I guess.
It's not a matter of "good enough for Edmonton", but more a matter of what is possible in certain areas of Edmonton, and what some companies are capable and willing to build.
In an ideal world, we'd have every single.high-rise in the city in Oliver and Downtown, but it's not something that can be controlled
Not everything needs to be concrete high-rise, even in more central areas, but it really comes down to where and what.

A six storey on the former BMO site, not reasonable or desirable (or rational given land economics), but the 108st site at 102ave as it transitions from 109st to say 105st is not the end of the world.

Edmonton needs density and those lots filled and so if those 6 storey are high quality and look the part, I am a bit less concerned.

The market fundamentals are extremely challenging for those doing concrete high-rise right now and so once again, expect more 6 storey.


Gorgeous. Easily my favorite recently built tower here.

Wonder what Falcon would have looked like with similar balcony glazing.
