Hello 👋 there,
Well, I must agree with all your comments, from the white plain door to all list of small imperfections to more major errors. I will begin from the start, so my appointment was 9am today, met with Mike a young grad no more than 23yrs old I think. He was very nice like the rep you guys had, Nick was it? Mike, unfortunately does not know about all the features of the unit so I guess I will have to learn myself down the road but I think he went through the most important ones.
We did go through the main entrance and it is very much under construction still. I have to apologize to David, I said I would remember to take pictures and I took Zero today. My family member did of my unit but not exterior. I do not think it is any much closer to being done than back in December because I imagine that with holidays, very little was done.
Since I too am on the ground floor and further back to the south end, we kept walking and I see what you mean about the white door being very plain. The frame around the entrance currently has a black spray paint which I think could be done better as well, like the door choice. I kept thinking about your comment and I would have to very much agree with you.
From the sounds of your inspection and David’s, I think the caulkings missing, dents, chips and the list goes on, we are all experiencing the same things. I particularly had an issue with the fact that the power went off half way and it never did came back on. The only thing that saved me was that I had in fact brought a small flashlight with me so I hope I went through seeing all the fix ups that are needed.
I have a question for you guys regarding the shower door, my agreement says enclosed glass door for the tub so I reached out to the customer service group. Did you guys as well? Sorry, I am just jumping trying to remember everything to share.
Again, I will agree about the comments regarding the homes purchased 30, 20 or 15 years ago, they would never had this many imperfections. I will get a lot of hate for this but these workers are not the same professional tradesman and likely only fitted for general labour and not tradesman as a careers and will never carry the same pride to this craft. I think I will likely need to learn how to fix up things in the near future as all the imperfections will likely not be done.
I will leave on a positive note, I am glad about the patio space and privacy barrier. I was a little surprised that the fence does not have a gate to walk out to the road. I do not mind since the sliding door only locks from the inside anyways. Right in front of me were workers moving top soil in the middle of winter so I thought that was a little odd. Speeding for the landscaping I guess.
I look forward to meeting everyone and please keep each other with updates. 👋☺️
Thanks for the update Joyce. Don’t worry about pictures, you needed to focus on the inspection. That’s very annoying about the power cut during the inspection. It’s pretty hard to inspect things in semi-darkness! I hope you at least got shown the breaker panel & the water shutoff valves.
I’m really beginning to wonder whether they’ll be able to get the place fit for habitation by February If every unit needs a lot of fix-ups and the driveway isn’t even open yet.
Anyway regarding the shower/bath: we upgraded both our bathrooms to have a full, sliding glass door on the tub and shower. The main bathroom in our unit (with the tub) was done correctly but the ensuite shower was missing the door. The slider was still in a box in one of the bedrooms, not installed yet. I believe that the default (ie if you didn’t upgrade to the slider) was to have a glass panel covering the front of the shower/tub - at least that was what was in the drawings.
Thanks again & keep in touch.
Thanks for the update Joyce. Don’t worry about pictures, you needed to focus on the inspection. That’s very annoying about the power cut during the inspection. It’s pretty hard to inspect things in semi-darkness! I hope you at least got shown the breaker panel & the water shutoff valves.
I’m really beginning to wonder whether they’ll be able to get the place fit for habitation by February If every unit needs a lot of fix-ups and the driveway isn’t even open yet.
Anyway regarding the shower/bath: we upgraded both our bathrooms to have a full, sliding glass door on the tub and shower. The main bathroom in our unit (with the tub) was done correctly but the ensuite shower was missing the door. The slider was still in a box in one of the bedrooms, not installed yet. I believe that the default (ie if you didn’t upgrade to the slider) was to have a glass panel covering the front of the shower/tub - at least that was what was in the drawings.
Thanks again & keep in touch.
I was told in my design session in early 2022 that the tub does NOT come with the glass panel shown in the digital renditions. This is consistent with the interior photos I've seen from listings of units up for sale/lease. I did notice from the listing photos that one unit had a shower curtain rod and a different unit didn't have a rod installed, so that's something on my checklist when the PDI happens for my townhouse unit (no date yet).
I was told in my design session in early 2022 that the tub does NOT come with the glass panel shown in the digital renditions. This is consistent with the interior photos I've seen from listings of units up for sale/lease. I did notice from the listing photos that one unit had a shower curtain rod and a different unit didn't have a rod installed, so that's something on my checklist when the PDI happens for my townhouse unit (no date yet).
Ah ok. So the default is just a normal shower/bathtub where you would use a shower rod & shower curtain and the upgrade is a full sliding shower door. Based on my experience with the partial glass panel in an apartment I once rented, a shower curtain is going to work better anyway. Thanks for the info.
Thank you for sharing Joyce! 👍

It's very helpful to share our observation and experience, so that all of our friends (and future neighbours of corse 😊) here, who haven't gone through the PDI, can have some hints and tips what to watch.

For our main bathroom with the tub, we explicitly paid for the upgrade to have the glass sliding door, and that entire structure (frames, doors) are missing. So, Nick noted down that finding, and I don't think it's going to be an issue (disputed matter), because all of our upgraded items are listed clearly.

Back to the kitchen island topic, I haven't heard any reply from Sequoia, and I would like to share with all of you how our island looks in our unit during the PDI, which is supposed to be 'Waterfall", and how the Waterfall island looks in the Sequoia Decore's web pages.


There are three issues
1.) poorly constructed frame (the wooden part) as shown on the photo
2.) poorly joined quartz, which is not like waterfall at all (shown on the photo)
3.) one side of the horizontal piece of the quartz is noticeably curvy, not a straight line (not shown on the photo).

My wife and I are really looking foward to getting to know everyone!!


Thank you for sharing Joyce! 👍

It's very helpful to share our observation and experience, so that all of our friends (and future neighbours of corse 😊) here, who haven't gone through the PDI, can have some hints and tips what to watch.

For our main bathroom with the tub, we explicitly paid for the upgrade to have the glass sliding door, and that entire structure (frames, doors) are missing. So, Nick noted down that finding, and I don't think it's going to be an issue (disputed matter), because all of our upgraded items are listed clearly.

Back to the kitchen island topic, I haven't heard any reply from Sequoia, and I would like to share with all of you how our island looks in our unit during the PDI, which is supposed to be 'Waterfall", and how the Waterfall island looks in the Sequoia Decore's web pages.

View attachment 533032View attachment 533033

There are three issues
1.) poorly constructed frame (the wooden part) as shown on the photo
2.) poorly joined quartz, which is not like waterfall at all (shown on the photo)
3.) one side of the horizontal piece of the quartz is noticeably curvy, not a straight line (not shown on the photo).

My wife and I are really looking foward to getting to know everyone!!


Thank you Antonius for the photo of the island. I too selected the waterfall island upgrade and now have a better idea where to set my expectations 😕 I recall seeing this stacked joint for the waterfall island displayed in the sales center, so in my design appointment I made a point to ask whether the joint would be mitered for the upgrade I was paying, and got an "of course!"... how I wish I had asked for that in writing (although doubtful it would be considered binding). I also selected the slab backslash and need to recalibrate my expectations
Thank you Antonius for the photo of the island. I too selected the waterfall island upgrade and now have a better idea where to set my expectations 😕 I recall seeing this stacked joint for the waterfall island displayed in the sales center, so in my design appointment I made a point to ask whether the joint would be mitered for the upgrade I was paying, and got an "of course!"... how I wish I had asked for that in writing (although doubtful it would be considered binding). I also selected the slab backslash and need to recalibrate my expectations
If the double stacked wood pieces are cut and joined nicely (evenly) it would be OK with me. However, as shown on my photo, the stack is uneven, and the connection between quartz pieces is also not satisfying. I hope your island is very close to what you imagine and ask.

I haven't shared that the 18 pot lights that I paid to be installed (six above the kitchen, four above the dining area, four above the living room area, and four inside the den), controlled by four separate switches, are nicely and correctly done. However, the original standard ceiling lights that are supposed to come with the unit (one above the kitchen and one above the dining area) are missing, and in my written communication with the Decore Centre, I clearly specified that those original ceiling lights must stay (must remain there).

So, hopefuly this deficiency can be resolved by installing the lights (I know it won't be easy, because they have to break the ceiling and the wall, and bury the wiring). I really prefer having those lights to being given credit, because I already dream and plan bringing two ceiling lights from my current house.
Hello everyone,

I just wanna inform I have a condo in lower penthouse I should go for PDI Feb 2nd .also I have a few questions
• Do they provide owners safety shoes or I should have my personal safety shoes !?
• what you prepared before you are going to PDI !?

Tnx for your time and good luck everyone for a new place for living
Hello everyone,

I just wanna inform I have a condo in lower penthouse I should go for PDI Feb 2nd .also I have a few questions
• Do they provide owners safety shoes or I should have my personal safety shoes !?
• what you prepared before you are going to PDI !?

Tnx for your time and good luck everyone for a new place for living
Hi Masha, good morning,

When we did our PDI on January 9, the office provided hard hats and options of protecting your feet. Either using strap-on protector protecting your toes (exacly like ice cleats, but with very strong metal protector on the toes areas), or you can change to protective boots.

Before the PDI, we read through all the PDF attachments, so that we became familiar with the warranty, Tarion services, and ideas of things to watch during the PDI. We also printed and studied again our upgrades, so that we could also watch for (pay attention on) the completness of our upgraded items.


Thank you all for the updates provided from your PDI's.

It's a shame that there are so many , what appears to be major defects. I'd have to agree with Joyce on this that it seems that the quality has gone down from years ago and likely due to builder using general labor vs actual trades people to increase profits.

The information shared here will definitely be useful when I'm able to go for a PDI.

A tip for everyone else who has yet to do their PDIs - I was told by a friend who had purchased a new construction not too long ago, is to take a tennis ball to place on the floors to ensure its level, and to place it in the bath to check to see if there is a slight slant to ensure proper drainage.
Hello everyone,

I just wanna inform I have a condo in lower penthouse I should go for PDI Feb 2nd .also I have a few questions
• Do they provide owners safety shoes or I should have my personal safety shoes !?
• what you prepared before you are going to PDI !?

Tnx for your time and good luck everyone for a new place for living
Hi Masha. In addition to the good advice that others mentioned, I’d recommend some general things. Take your time and check everything as thoroughly as you can. The rep who helped us (Nick) was very patient and was more thorough than we were (lol). But you may get someone different - don’t let them rush you. Open & close all the doors & drawers & appliances (for example in our unit the clothes dryer door wouldn’t close). Check the tile grout & caulking - whoever they hired to do this did a poor job in our unit. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Good luck & let us know how it goes.
If anyone is interested or is looking for a stacked townhouse at Elgin East for their family member(s). I am selling mine on assignment because I was mandated to return to the office full time.

I know this group is used to share construction updates, but if you’re interested. PM me. It’s a good price.
Our revised final occupancy date is Feb 8 (building A, floor 7) but I haven’t heard anything further from the builder. I have a query in with them but haven’t heard back yet. I’m wondering if anyone else has gotten a revised occupancy date.
Our revised final occupancy date is Feb 8 (building A, floor 7) but I haven’t heard anything further from the builder. I have a query in with them but haven’t heard back yet. I’m wondering if anyone else has gotten a revised occupancy date.
The only time I saw the date "February 21, 2024" is on the e-mail with CCP number attached, referring to the starting date of our Warranty. However, other than that, there hasn't been explicit statement telling us that our occupancy date is February 21, 2024.

It's hard to imagine, and hopefully it's not the case that the warranty count down starts ticking before we officially occupy the unit.


The only time I saw the date "February 21, 2024" is on the e-mail with CCP number attached, referring to the starting date of our Warranty. However, other than that, there hasn't been explicit statement telling us that our occupancy date is February 21, 2024.

It's hard to imagine, and hopefully it's not the case that the warranty count down starts ticking before we officially occupy the unit.


Just got an email from our lawyer saying they have been notified of occupancy date of Feb 8. However the same thing happened in November before the latest delay. I can’t imagine that the warranty starts before occupancy.
The only time I saw the date "February 21, 2024" is on the e-mail with CCP number attached, referring to the starting date of our Warranty. However, other than that, there hasn't been explicit statement telling us that our occupancy date is February 21, 2024.

It's hard to imagine, and hopefully it's not the case that the warranty count down starts ticking before we officially occupy the unit.


I just received an e-mail 10 minutes ago stating that the firm (so far) occupancy date for us is February 21, 2024.
