I'm have been reading the blogs for a while, and I just wanted to say to JDB, if you look at urbandreamers comments on most boards he is always complaining about something. He has nothing nice to say, which probably relates to the fact that he can't afford any of these places for himself. I wouldn't waste my energy with him because his critiques are always going to be negative.

That being said I think NXT is turning out great and I am sure the power lines shouldn't cause any concerns more than say, cell phone use microwaves and so forth. This is someone obviously bitter about his life and projecting that onto your success. Congrats on your purchase as you are already one step ahead of urbandreamer. Don't take it personal he is jealous of everyone else too.
I'm have been reading the blogs for a while, and I just wanted to say to JDB, if you look at urbandreamers comments on most boards he is always complaining about something. He has nothing nice to say, which probably relates to the fact that he can't afford any of these places for himself. I wouldn't waste my energy with him because his critiques are always going to be negative.

That being said I think NXT is turning out great and I am sure the power lines shouldn't cause any concerns more than say, cell phone use microwaves and so forth. This is someone obviously bitter about his life and projecting that onto your success. Congrats on your purchase as you are already one step ahead of urbandreamer. Don't take it personal he is jealous of everyone else too.

Well put my friend and thank you!! now you got a good head on your shoulders!!
Here is the view of the Skyline/CN Tower, Lake Ontario and High Park from the 10th floor unit Rosso Bordeaux...enjoy (again I apologize for the poor quality photo's that my blackberry produces). When I was there, it felt like the CN Tower was right on top of you! Fantastic!

Did you mean the Rosso unit or was it indeed the Rosso Bordeaux? If the latter, then it appears that many East units can see the CN Twr (since the Rosso Bordeaux is the 2nd northmost unit on the east side of NXT)?
Can you recall what were the old prices? Thx.

Im sure I could digg up the old price sheets from a year ago but I know the Argento was selling for 383,000 with the 20,000 parking included. Now I see the final Argento listed at 393,000 (one floor higher) and that does not include the parking as far as I can see.
Im sure I could digg up the old price sheets from a year ago but I know the Argento was selling for 383,000 with the 20,000 parking included. Now I see the final Argento listed at 393,000 (one floor higher) and that does not include the parking as far as I can see.


On another issue, have you, Fmcristiano and any other NXT buyers here received updates on the occupancy? I heard that 1st move-ins are now late July?
Hey guys, which view do you think is best from the below selection of flats (they all face East) and why? Thx in advance.
1. Pervinca
2. Giallo
3. Rosso Bordeaux

As I mentioned in a previous post unless you are purchasing a unit above the 18th floor - the only east facing views that have a view of the CN Tower/Skyline would be the Ochre, Rosso Bordeaux and Turchino. All other units south of the Turchino and below floor 18 have the two Park lake buildings blocking the view of the CN Tower/Skyline.

The last time I was in there the highest floor remaining on the Rosso Bordeaux was the 6th floor, the Orche had a few floors remaining in the 20's and I have no idea what the inventory is for the Turchino.

On another issue, have you, Fmcristiano and any other NXT buyers here received updates on the occupancy? I heard that 1st move-ins are now late July?

Last notice I recieved was in April and had me slated for a September 1st occupancy (10th floor).
Last time I was there (10 days ago) all of the unit pricing has increased by at least 15% since September 2009 based on dwindeling inventory. I believe the 6th floor Rosso Bordeaux unit with parking is selling for $330,000 - I paid my 10th floor unit with parking $291,000 in September.
To reiterate my point above - none of the units South of the Turchino will have a view of the CN Tower unless you are above the 18th floor. This includes the furthest South unit - Grigio, which also has the CN Tower/Skyline obstructed by the Park Lake Condos.
Thx for your advice, fmcristiano. Were you and other NXT buyers able to get some discounts/perks during your purchase? How were market conditions during your purchase time?
Has anyone got a 'confirmed' occupancy yet and for what floor? Thinking of purchasing above 20th floor and just wondering about timelines. Thanks!
fmcristiano, Did you get any other incentives on the rossa bordeaux other than parking in september? Does anyone have the price of the Nero from last last year? also were there any incentives at that time?
I've surfed around mls.ca but can't figure out how to find NXT listings: can someone pls help? Thx.
