Hi all, so I just wanted to post a rant about Cresford for all to read. Last week they contacted me to enter my unit to fix some issues from my PDI. I had some valuables out so I did not grant them access. Later that night when I returned home from work - I was shocked to see that they entered my unit anyways. I have already contacted my lawyer about this - but wanted to make you all aware of the invasion of privacy. I reached out to customer service and they haven't got back to me (3 days).

With regards to the elevators - it an absolute joke and I am in touch with my lawyer about this as well. What does somebody do if they are unable to climb steps (ie. in a wheelchair?)
Don't feel bad, I woke up this morning to some girl in the unit also.. addressing PDI issues.. without permission.. uh. Needless to say it was an interesting conversation (I was sleeping). Also, not sure if you are home.. but that bloody beeping alarm thing that has been going on and off all morning wasn't great.. I let that slide though. :)

So you're not alone.
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Hi all, so I just wanted to post a rant about Cresford for all to read. Last week they contacted me to enter my unit to fix some issues from my PDI. I had some valuables out so I did not grant them access. Later that night when I returned home from work - I was shocked to see that they entered my unit anyways. I have already contacted my lawyer about this - but wanted to make you all aware of the invasion of privacy. I reached out to customer service and they haven't got back to me (3 days).

With regards to the elevators - it an absolute joke and I am in touch with my lawyer about this as well. What does somebody do if they are unable to climb steps (ie. in a wheelchair?)

Did you stated that you only allow access with prior notice in your PDI form? Ya, that sucks then if you did. How did you know they entered, was there a log in your alarm? Was anything missing?

Speaking about wheelchair access, that front entrance really doesn't make sense. There is no driveway close to the doors so if it's raining then you'd get all soaked. Also, there is no ramp for ppl using wheelchairs.

How it is that the lifts are not working? All 4 of them? For how long has this been?

Don't feel bad, I woke up this morning to some girl in the unit also.. addressing PDI issues.. without permission.. uh. Needless to say it was an interesting conversation (I was sleeping). Also, not sure if you are home.. but that bloody beeping alarm thing that has been going on and off all morning wasn't great.. I let that slide though. :)

So you're not alone.

Hmmm, there weren't any false alarms today. Did you also state 'no access w/o prior notice' in your PDI form?
Yes, no access w/o prior notice was stated. Oh well.

If you had a wheelchair you wouldn't be able to use the front entrance, you'd have to go down to parking or use the back door and take the service corridor to the moving room/elevators.
I find it hard to believe anyone in a wheelchair could live comfortably in this building considering the size of the units.
NXT2 height

Have a west view from 24th floor and purposely purchased on 24 to clear NXT2. Was told at my PDI that NXT2 has been extended to above 30 something floors. Grrr! Oh well I have a couple years...
Have a west view from 24th floor and purposely purchased on 24 to clear NXT2. Was told at my PDI that NXT2 has been extended to above 30 something floors. Grrr! Oh well I have a couple years...

What, NXT2 will be even taller than NXT??? That does deserve a "Grrr!"! At first I thought that it was supposed to be 25 storeys but then they reduced it to the low 20s...so now they've increased it to above 30? Wow.

Has anyone joined this site? I assume that it's not an official site from Cresford but perhaps started up by some resident(s)?
Has anyone joined this site? I assume that it's not an official site from Cresford but perhaps started up by some resident(s)?
glad there is a such a site we can discuss issues of our biulding. Thank for whoever set it up! seems we can only follow the discussion on twitter..personally i prefer a forum...
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Maybe you could ask for the admin to add forum software; there's some freebie stuff out there that works well. It's a nice looking site.
The site is set up by a resident, on the 12th floor apparently. I suspect they are realtors (seem like lots of realtors live in our building).

I'm quite active on twitter and they seem to be also.

Quick question, I keep getting confused/people keep getting confused.. "Windermere by the lake" is that the building to the east of us? Or is that us?
Windermere by the Lake is the building to the east across Windermere Avenue
