Has anyone else noticed the crazy pot-head security dude? I'm no crazy conservative, and smoked my fair share of the MJ.. but the guy is gone half the time and I see him in the parking garage with huge spliffs..

The annoying thing is he's just not at the front desk half the night. And if you go into the lobby bathroom, there is weed everywhere.. :\
Has anyone else noticed the crazy pot-head security dude? I'm no crazy conservative, and smoked my fair share of the MJ.. but the guy is gone half the time and I see him in the parking garage with huge spliffs..

The annoying thing is he's just not at the front desk half the night. And if you go into the lobby bathroom, there is weed everywhere.. :\

Smoking MJ for real? What the...did anyone report him? That's just crazy.
Loud noise?

Anyone else experience loud banging noises on the weekend?
Not sure if it was someone moving in above me or the building settling.
It almost sounded like someone hitting the vents with a hammer.
haha, I was there last Saturday night dropping a friend home.
There was no one at the front desk and the lobby doors don't seem to lock.
I did smell weed in the hallway which I thought it was from the college kids renting there (I did see quite a few of them).

When I left the building the security guy was sitting at the desk with a blank look on his face. I walked by and said a friendly 'goodnight' but he was unresponsive. In hindsight, he was definitely stoned.
I've simmilarly been able to just walk into the building through the lobby. No guards, no locks.
When the building is registered I hope we get real security. This building security is a joke. Back door always unlocked. Parking level door that don't have locks. Why bother giving us a key fob if none of the door need it. Just leave the garage door open and I can leave the fob at home.
This stuff will all be corrected by the time the building registers. No need to worry. If you have an issue with the security guard, then report it.
Does that supposed 24-hr concierge phone # even work? What if there was a real emergency? Besides 911 I'd like to get in contact w/ bldg security.
If he has time to go smoke up, the least this guy could do is check that all the doors are shut properly every so often, so the elevators can work. What kind of security is this? Every door is always open. You know we lose heat to that large lobby/hallway which we pay for through our common expenses as well.
The problem with the one stoner security dude is that when he goes for a blunt, he unlocks and opens all the doors, hence sometimes the garage door is randomly open for ages. That way when someone might need him to unlock the doors, they are all open anyway.

I'm surprised I'm the only one who has caught onto this.

Unrelated topic, anyone here a runner? I need a gym jogging partner... I do really pussy workouts when I'm not with someone to tell me I suck.
The problem with the one stoner security dude is that when he goes for a blunt, he unlocks and opens all the doors, hence sometimes the garage door is randomly open for ages. That way when someone might need him to unlock the doors, they are all open anyway.

I'm surprised I'm the only one who has caught onto this.

Good spot...no wonder sometimes the garage door is open. That's crazy and also too bad he hasn't been ratted out yet.
