Speaking of Argento, if any owners could take pix of the flat, that would be great. I think it's one of the best designed flats in NXT, esp the ensuite bathroom.

I live in the Lilla unit which is smaller than Argento by inches. If you want I could take some pics for you.
Any owners that live in the 'argento' suites? How have you managed the support beam in the middle of the living room windows? Any idea how the view will be impacted with NXT2 coming up at 35 floors?

Also heard there were issues with the bathroom shower door - have these been fixed by the builder?

The issue with the bathroom shower door is that we don't have a door. The Lilla unit has the same shower design and is the unit I own. I'd love for all the Argento and Lilla owner to make a stink about the shower so that they add a glass door. No door = water damage in the long run.
I live in the Lilla unit which is smaller than Argento by inches. If you want I could take some pics for you.

That would be great since I like your floorplan, esp the master bathroom.

The issue with the bathroom shower door is that we don't have a door. The Lilla unit has the same shower design and is the unit I own. I'd love for all the Argento and Lilla owner to make a stink about the shower so that they add a glass door. No door = water damage in the long run.

No shower door? That's really weird.
I live in the Lilla unit which is smaller than Argento by inches. If you want I could take some pics for you.

Would love to see pics! What is the difference between Lilla and Argento? I can't seem to find the Lilla floorplans on the website.

Does Lilla have the support beam/pole in the middle of the living room as well?
Does anyone know who approves that the common elements are complete? I would like to get on this comittee.
I dont know about you guys but my place looks incredible....yes Ive had issues with my PDI and lack of quality of work (but that's because contractors in this city are a bunch of useless shmucks).

But yeah I'll post some pics of my interior when I got a chance - but so far the feedback I've gotten from friends, family, etc. is two thumbs up....My view is incredible, by far I have never seen a 1+1 unit with a floor plan that is so perfect - it literally lives bigger than most 900sq/ft two bedroom units.


May I ask which direction your unit face to?

I spoke with the customer service people last week. Floors will not be replaced for a few months. Shame because mine isn a real mess. :(


Mine too. The warping is annoying. I wonder how they are going to replace them, not sure if they can make it look like the rest of the normal planks.

It looks great too, I love the furnishings.. I feel like the building is really starting to pull together.

I got the notice yesterday about the concierge service too.. I thought the in suite meal thing is cool but confused as to how it works.. anyone have any further details on this?

PS, I had a thought it might be nice to have an urbantoronto NXT meetup?

