My intention would be to stay in it. But if it does appreciate considerably, who knows what my situation is in 4 years. As a bachelor, I might be comfortable , but I get married, then perhaps not.
Following VIPs ... One Bloor have been released to brokers today ... APS signing on April 22-25: (note: 5mb)

Amenities Plan:

Was at the VIP sales center. A lot of interest has been shown towards the Penthouses and have been picked up in the first phase as opposed to the thoughts that more demand would be on the small units.
Gold Level units up by 20K, Silver level units up by about 10K.
old pricing previously applied to Bazis' 1 Bloor purchasers and F&F

new pricing started today for Agent Preview

I recently reviewed the catalogue and the prices.
Great building, I love the design.... BUT... the worthwhile units (non sardine boxed ones) are at above $1000/sf, with a projected 0.50/sf for maintenance. Parking spots are at $50,000

So, great design and would have loved to own one... but is it worth the price? what do you folks think? After all, $1000 sf is the price in many parts of Manhattan. I don't know about you, but with the dollar at par, I would much rather spend that money on a unit in New York City instead of NYC's boring pathetic little brother Toronto.
why the negativity PrimeChuck? TO is hardly boring, and certainly not pathetic (ok maybe some of the lamp posts downtown)......maybe you should just leave it that you believe the One Bloor prices are too high, eh?
I recently reviewed the catalogue and the prices.
Great building, I love the design.... BUT... the worthwhile units (non sardine boxed ones) are at above $1000/sf, with a projected 0.50/sf for maintenance. Parking spots are at $50,000

So, great design and would have loved to own one... but is it worth the price? what do you folks think? After all, $1000 sf is the price in many parts of Manhattan. I don't know about you, but with the dollar at par, I would much rather spend that money on a unit in New York City instead of NYC's boring pathetic little brother Toronto.

While you are welcome to having an opinion, why are you on UT if you feel that way about Toronto?
The broker price list above excludes Serenity and Utopia. I wonder if these units are already sold out. :confused:
I recently reviewed the catalogue and the prices.
Great building, I love the design.... BUT... the worthwhile units (non sardine boxed ones) are at above $1000/sf, with a projected 0.50/sf for maintenance. Parking spots are at $50,000

So, great design and would have loved to own one... but is it worth the price? what do you folks think? After all, $1000 sf is the price in many parts of Manhattan. I don't know about you, but with the dollar at par, I would much rather spend that money on a unit in New York City instead of NYC's boring pathetic little brother Toronto.

While I understand where you are coming from with the NYC thing, at the same time, something should be said for the livability of Toronto over NYC. Having lived in both, including Brooklyn, Manhatten and Toronto, I would say that I would much rather live in the slower calmer Toronto then NYC. NYC is great to visit and there is a plethora of things to do there, but Toronto has a relaxed livability in comparison. A certain neighborly charm that is not as easy to find in fast paced Manhatten or even Brooklyn. I was in Montreal over the weekend and was thinking how relaxed and chilled out it is there as I was watching Tam Tam's and thought if I spoke French better I could live here and be more relaxed than my Toronto life. I think it is the same with NYC, least for me, that now I could never go live there again, it being way to in your face fast paced. I think I will live longer in Toronto,lol. For an investment though I dunno I think both cities are worthwhile investing in. From a living perspective I would surely go Toronto.
So, great design and would have loved to own one... but is it worth the price? what do you folks think? After all, $1000 sf is the price in many parts of Manhattan. I don't know about you, but with the dollar at par, I would much rather spend that money on a unit in New York City instead of NYC's boring pathetic little brother Toronto.

$1,000/sqft does get you Manhattan, but certainly not the best location or building. You'll need $2,000/sqft for either a great location or a great building. If you want both, you're looking at $4,000/sqft+.

I'd personally take $1,000/sqft in Toronto vs Manhattan.

As for One Bloor, I do agree it's probably over priced at $1,000sqft.
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It's an interesting position for Toronto to find itself, - a lot like the middle child. Midway between NYC and Montreal seems not that bad an idea at his point. Haven't a clue whether this " identity crisis ", so compelling for some it appears, is a unique Toronto fixation or not. When Toronto , ( and it's fans ) , reaches an age of maturity, it'll won't need other cities to measure itself against. The prolonged adolescence is getting a little too much press, IMO. Toronto needs it's coming- out party.
Was at the VIP sales center. A lot of interest has been shown towards the Penthouses and have been picked up in the first phase as opposed to the thoughts that more demand would be on the small units.
Gold Level units up by 20K, Silver level units up by about 10K.

I've asked this question before and not sure if anyone saw it but did the GG floor plans change from the original Bazis designs above the hotel floors or did only the balconies change?
