Yea that would make sense, Phase 1 and 2 and pretty much sold so it would make sense to convert it into a 2 bedroom as you said. Maybe thats whats taking so long. I do know one thing for sure, if its taking them THAT LONG to complete ONE model suite, imagine how long our suites are going to take. (not being negative, just an observation). The sales centre opened in April and we are now in June and its still not done.

Thanks for the updates guys! Always helpful as usual. Everyone on this board always seems to have the inside scoop! ;)
I agree, that model has been taking so long to finish I wonder what the holdup is anyway? Why would they convert it into another 2 bedroom model? They already have a model for that. Wouldn't it make more sense to show as smaller layout like they did before? Anyways, I don't really care, I just want to see the new dark package in a layout.

Did any of you guys get a call from rogers regarding a cable package for our building? Some dude called me a couple of weeks ago and said rogers is offering 3 months free highspeed internet, vip cable and home phone for people moving into valhalla. Seems like a good deal and also a good way for them to hook you and reel you in to using their services.
Thanks for the updates guys! Always helpful as usual. Everyone on this board always seems to have the inside scoop! ;)
I agree, that model has been taking so long to finish I wonder what the holdup is anyway? Why would they convert it into another 2 bedroom model? They already have a model for that. Wouldn't it make more sense to show as smaller layout like they did before? Anyways, I don't really care, I just want to see the new dark package in a layout.

Did any of you guys get a call from rogers regarding a cable package for our building? Some dude called me a couple of weeks ago and said rogers is offering 3 months free highspeed internet, vip cable and home phone for people moving into valhalla. Seems like a good deal and also a good way for them to hook you and reel you in to using their services.

Nope, i wonder how they got your number? I wonder if Valhalla is giving it out. The reason we think they will convert it to a two bedroom is because the suite is already 720 sq ft and all the one bedrooms in Phase 3 are substancially smaller than that(400-500 sq ft) . But I do agree with you, it would make sense to show a one bedroom and a two bedroom. Also, this type of suite has been converted to a 2 bedroom in Phase 3, (the den has been converted to a room) so it should be interesting to see what they do. But just like you..I only wanna see the dark package which I chose LOL!
Nope, i wonder how they got your number? I wonder if Valhalla is giving it out. The reason we think they will convert it to a two bedroom is because the suite is already 720 sq ft and all the one bedrooms in Phase 3 are substancially smaller than that(400-500 sq ft) . But I do agree with you, it would make sense to show a one bedroom and a two bedroom. Also, this type of suite has been converted to a 2 bedroom in Phase 3, (the den has been converted to a room) so it should be interesting to see what they do. But just like you..I only wanna see the dark package which I chose LOL!

Yeah, now I recalled Rogers called me not long ago left me a message that I am eligible for free services for 3 months upon moving to Valhalla... I haven't called them back yet, but I guess that is gotta wait until Valhalla is ready. :)

I have a feeling the model suite they are undergoing is going to be a 2-bedroom showcase for potential buyers for Phase 3 condo... That suite is 720 square foot, so I am not sure how they will reduce it since from plans I see for Triumph, they are below 700 square footage... I guess adding extra walls around it will reduce square footage for 2 bedroom showcase. I want to see dark package as well, since I have picked "gra"! - the majority of people have chosen that... and as well I am interested to see how 2 bedroom model suite stands out... even tho I still prefer one bedroom plus den... who would actually put a bedroom in den that has no windows?

Phase 1 is going to be delayed from what I see, and as well Phase 2 would be pushed back to Spring 2014, Phase 3 Winter 2014.

Then new sales for Gibbs Road (the old building where you enter to Valhalla office) will begin most likely next year, in Spring 2013. I wonder what those lands will be... more townhouses since they are in high demand? Or a building like Phase 1 plans that was selling like hot-cakes...?
Yeah, now I recalled Rogers called me not long ago left me a message that I am eligible for free services for 3 months upon moving to Valhalla... I haven't called them back yet, but I guess that is gotta wait until Valhalla is ready. :)

I have a feeling the model suite they are undergoing is going to be a 2-bedroom showcase for potential buyers for Phase 3 condo... That suite is 720 square foot, so I am not sure how they will reduce it since from plans I see for Triumph, they are below 700 square footage... I guess adding extra walls around it will reduce square footage for 2 bedroom showcase. I want to see dark package as well, since I have picked "gra"! - the majority of people have chosen that... and as well I am interested to see how 2 bedroom model suite stands out... even tho I still prefer one bedroom plus den... who would actually put a bedroom in den that has no windows?

Phase 1 is going to be delayed from what I see, and as well Phase 2 would be pushed back to Spring 2014, Phase 3 Winter 2014.

Then new sales for Gibbs Road (the old building where you enter to Valhalla office) will begin most likely next year, in Spring 2013. I wonder what those lands will be... more townhouses since they are in high demand? Or a building like Phase 1 plans that was selling like hot-cakes...?

I am anxious to see what the new development next to us will look like. I could only imagine what they are coming up with..hopefully it doesnt restrict our views too much but would be a great addition to this aging neighbourhood. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if our building was delayed till January..that would be the next realistic timeline.
I am anxious to see what the new development next to us will look like. I could only imagine what they are coming up with..hopefully it doesnt restrict our views too much but would be a great addition to this aging neighbourhood. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if our building was delayed till January..that would be the next realistic timeline.

maybe they will go for signature tower this time... a competition entries to design the unique tower for edilcan... who knows? i think we will be fine with our views, since we all were surprised to learn triumph tower was reduced from originally planned 30 storeys to 25 storeys; so i wouldn't be surprised this will follow the same for the new development.

ya, our building delayed until January 2013 would be more realistic than September 2013... there's a lot of work to be done, and timing seems impossible to meet September goals.
maybe they will go for signature tower this time... a competition entries to design the unique tower for edilcan... who knows? i think we will be fine with our views, since we all were surprised to learn triumph tower was reduced from originally planned 30 storeys to 25 storeys; so i wouldn't be surprised this will follow the same for the new development.

ya, our building delayed until January 2013 would be more realistic than September 2013... there's a lot of work to be done, and timing seems impossible to meet September goals.

Yea and with the townhomes delayed till the end of October, the condo is likely to follow suit.
I saw the new model suite today and as I predicted it was converted into the 2 bedroom suite...its so gorgeous, not crazy about the layout but they did a great job on it. The gra package looks amazing! they didnt use the brown quartz counter top though, they used this white quartz i believe (which was an upgrade for us) but will be standard for Triumph.

Check it out..and post your thoughts
I saw the new model suite today and as I predicted it was converted into the 2 bedroom suite...its so gorgeous, not crazy about the layout but they did a great job on it. The gra package looks amazing! they didnt use the brown quartz counter top though, they used this white quartz i believe (which was an upgrade for us) but will be standard for Triumph.

Check it out..and post your thoughts

as we both guessed right, the one bedroom plus den originally for one valhalla was converted to two bedrooms for triumph... :) i will be sure to check out sometime and will post my thoughts! can't wait!! thanks for the update shorty! ;)
as we both guessed right, the one bedroom plus den originally for one valhalla was converted to two bedrooms for triumph... :) i will be sure to check out sometime and will post my thoughts! can't wait!! thanks for the update shorty! ;)

I was trying to post pictures but the photo hosting sites dont work for me at work. I can send you the pics if you wish? I have them in my e-mail.

And that was very crazy of them, now there is two 2 bedroom suites...maybe they will convert the bigger two bedroom into two smaller one bedroom units? I doubt it though
Spoiler alert! for anyone who hasn't been..heres a few shots of the new 2 bedroom suite..taken on my crappy bb torch.



WOW...looks stunning! Love all the finishes and the decor! The kitchen island is slightly different from phase 1 but either way looks great! Thanks for posting these photos Shorty!

Spoiler alert! for anyone who hasn't been..heres a few shots of the new 2 bedroom suite..taken on my crappy bb torch.



Spoiler alert! for anyone who hasn't been..heres a few shots of the new 2 bedroom suite..taken on my crappy bb torch.




That's awesome, thanks for posting pics shorty! The gra package looks really nice with the WHITE quartz counters. Great contrast with the dark flooring.
That's awesome, thanks for posting pics shorty! The gra package looks really nice with the WHITE quartz counters. Great contrast with the dark flooring.

No problem guys! I think the counter top was the "french vanilla quartz" which was an upgrade for us. Those lucky bastards buying in triumph get it as a standard. I upgraded to this white with grey and brown speckle should look real nice based on see how this counter looks with the package. I am beyond excited to move in..less than 7 days before we find out what the new final tenative occupancy date is. :)
No problem guys! I think the counter top was the "french vanilla quartz" which was an upgrade for us. Those lucky bastards buying in triumph get it as a standard. I upgraded to this white with grey and brown speckle should look real nice based on see how this counter looks with the package. I am beyond excited to move in..less than 7 days before we find out what the new final tenative occupancy date is. :)

Yes, I hear you...its been a long time coming and I know were all anxious to move in. Can't wait! I wonder how long this building will take to register once we move in and how long we'll be paying occupancy fee's for.
Yes, I hear you...its been a long time coming and I know were all anxious to move in. Can't wait! I wonder how long this building will take to register once we move in and how long we'll be paying occupancy fee's for.

Someone said the met was registered within 2 months. And when I spoke with GP the other day and he said that the exact move-in dates will follow this next letter and will proceed by floor on a "weekly" basis most likely, so obviously the lower floors would have the longest period before registration. I am just waiting for our next move in date so i can figure out when to apply for my new pre-approval. My broker can hold rates up to 120 days, I want to lock in at a good rate before the rates increase.
