
Is anyone else encountering any problems with noise from a neighbouring unit? I am able to hear music being played in a unit on the floor above me - it's actually not so much the music as the vibration from the bass. I have had to call twice this week late night (1 am and 2 am) to ask the concierge to have the residents at least turn the bass down. I feel bad complaining, but I literally cannot sleep. Do you think that Edilcan skimped on sound proofing? I went upstairs to find out what unit it was coming from, and to be honest the music wasn't that loud, but the bass just seems to carry right through the floor into my bedroom. What should I do if I keep encountering this issue?
This seems to be a problem with most condos. Bass travels. I think the person above you probably has their speakers on the ground. They should keep them on some sort of stand. That said, it's really difficult to block out bass. You just have to hope your neighbor isn't a big music person. Personally, developers don't do a good enough job at soundproofing units...but the code isn't that strict so it is what it is.
Did anyone here do laminated floors for their bedrooms?
still waiting for the price for my suite from Crayon, but believe the price is still high no matter what
think of doing this after i move in, any suggestions here.
I did and that was my only upgrade. I think it's definitely worth it if you are planning to live in the unit. Yes, the price tag is definitely high, but at least you won't have to worry about matching the laminate later on in the process.

Did anyone here do laminated floors for their bedrooms?
still waiting for the price for my suite from Crayon, but believe the price is still high no matter what
think of doing this after i move in, any suggestions here.
My neighbors that are on the same floor and 3 units over also like to play music and throw big parties. I can hear the music as I am coming in and out of the elevators but absolutely nothing when I am inside the unit. You shouldn't feel bad about complaining. Maybe ask your neighbors to change the location of their sound system so it's not directly over your bedroom.

Is anyone else encountering any problems with noise from a neighbouring unit? I am able to hear music being played in a unit on the floor above me - it's actually not so much the music as the vibration from the bass. I have had to call twice this week late night (1 am and 2 am) to ask the concierge to have the residents at least turn the bass down. I feel bad complaining, but I literally cannot sleep. Do you think that Edilcan skimped on sound proofing? I went upstairs to find out what unit it was coming from, and to be honest the music wasn't that loud, but the bass just seems to carry right through the floor into my bedroom. What should I do if I keep encountering this issue?
Is anyone else encountering any problems with noise from a neighbouring unit? I am able to hear music being played in a unit on the floor above me - it's actually not so much the music as the vibration from the bass. I have had to call twice this week late night (1 am and 2 am) to ask the concierge to have the residents at least turn the bass down. I feel bad complaining, but I literally cannot sleep. Do you think that Edilcan skimped on sound proofing? I went upstairs to find out what unit it was coming from, and to be honest the music wasn't that loud, but the bass just seems to carry right through the floor into my bedroom. What should I do if I keep encountering this issue?

Yeah for sure its the bass, they must have a sound system and the sub and speakers are probably on the ground as someone here was saying. I'd just go up and kindly ask them to put it on something or at least not play music that late. I'm sure they wouldn't get mad unless they're just jerks. I'm sure they would understand.

As for me I haven't heard a peep from my neighbour to the right of me and the one on top. Theres no one on the other side yet. I talked to my neighbour and she never hears me either which had me thinking the soundproofing between units is good in the building because I tend to play music and watch movies in surround.
Thermostat Location - just got an update that they will not be moving thermostats. Apparently they have been installed as indicated in initial drawings.
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Thermostat Location - just got an update that they will not be moving thermostats. Apparently they have been installed as indicated in initial drawings.

I'm in tower ii. Not sure if we would face the same situation as tower i where thermostats are located in the middle of wall.
i found some pictures posted from real estate's website.

Picture 6 indicates the issue.

I found another issue. The toilet is not sitting in the middle between a shower tube and sink in the picture 1&2.
It looks like closer to the bath tube. Do you guys have the same situation?
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I believe that the position of the speakers may be the issue, and perhaps they have already moved them since I haven't heard anything for several days now. If that is true, it would be a huge relief :) It is true that the sound proofing in the adjoining walls seems very good, since I don't hear a thing from the units on either side of me.
Hi Sampan,

It would be a good idea to ask someone about the position of the thermostat, but only a look at the drawings will tell you for sure. Hmmm. I am so NOT happy about the position - I mean really, what were they thinking? Now we get to pay an electrician to move the thermostats if we want to wall mount a tv. Based on the negative reaction from suite owners in Phase I, it is more than likely that they won't make the same mistake again and will reposition the thermostat in the units being built in the second phase.

As for the toilet, mine is slightly off centre as well but not by that much. The space difference looks exaggerated in the real estate listing, perhaps due to the angle at which the photo was taken. To be honest, it doesn't really bother me, but if it bugs you I'm not sure if it can be changed since the toilets will all sit along the same stack all the way up the building.

I'm in tower ii. Not sure if we would face the same situation as tower i where thermostats are located in the middle of wall.
i found some pictures posted from real estate's website.

Picture 6 indicates the issue.

I found another issue. The toilet is not sitting in the middle between a shower tube and sink in the picture 1&2.
It looks like closer to the bath tube. Do you guys have the same situation?
Thanks Citylvr,

I wasn't told from the colour selection appointment. Even the drawing sheet can't tell the position of the thermostat. I think I need to ask them and hope they know the answer.

Toilet, I hope, can be in the center. Nothing much I can do. Hope everything would turn out good.
Hi all! bought my first condo @ thunderbird!!!!

anyone one else stock the place at night every
couple if weeks and see at what floor it is at?
anyone one else stock the place at night every
couple if weeks and see at what floor it is at?

If I'm in the area I will drive a few extra Km to see the progress. Last I checked it appeared to be about 26 floors up. So, as far as I can tell it appears to be on schedule. I have an estimated close date of November 13th but I have never heard of a condo finishing on schedule so I am cautiously optimistic with the progress.
