Wow, really rackin' up your post count there @bennessb! Just saying...

So, how about them Blue Jays?
Only three more to go until you hit the magic number 42!
Photo upload test

I would like to state that regardless of how you compare a Western extension from Bayshore to Kanata vs. Place D’Orleans to Trim, the benefits to the city of extending to Kanata far out weight any benefits extending LRT from Place D'Orleans to Trimm. The stress levels in Kanata over transit are palpable and this is a topic which they can rally.

We must re-examining the allocation of scarce resources. Instead of extending Phase II LRT from Place D’Orleans to Trimm road, the city should focuss funds on extending it from Bayshore to Kanata. The return on investment of spending an additional $150,000,000 to extend transit to from Place D’Orleans to Trimm leaves me somewhat puzzled. What are the benefits? Who is it going to serve. Rural residents? Non-citizens of Ottawa?

Scarce resources like infrastructure funding should be allocated based upon a return on investment. Extending LRT to Kanata offers:

- Highest number of residents not served by the LRT or the transit way

- highest number of new possible transit riders per $$$

- Second largest employment centre in the city after downtown – a large destination for people from across the city

- LRT allows residents from around the city to obtain much needed employment in Kanata and industry to access the skilled resources required to prosper

- Largest potential for Transit Oriented Development in the city (high density residential and commercial) coupled with strong growth

- High ridership i both directions in the AM and PM

- Services DND’s new offices on Carling (Old Nortel building)

Thank you for your perseverance on this important file.

With respect,
SNC got the contract! Who suspects corruption?/
