I agree with you, the garage smelled like crap all weekend, but it also doesn't help when they leave the rooms open. I also noticed a sign at the elevators today complaining about the state people are leaving the garbage rooms in, it is now our responsibility to take recycling down to the garbage rooms in the garage as people are not responsible enough to break down boxes, and only throw reasonable sized items down the chute. Unfortunate that the immaturity of people in the building has to ruin everything for everyone else.

As for the cleaners I am not sure how often they are coming by, however for a few pieces of garbage I would pick it up rather then letting it sit there that long. The thing that pissed me off this weekend is somebody dropped a mirror and shattered the glass all over the middle of the hallway by the elevators. I have a dog and though it was ridiculous that they didn't clean it up and I had to pick up and carried by dog over the glass.
As for people making a mess - get used to it. Soon all the gym equipment will be broken, patio chairs will be missing/broken, random things will be broken etc.

I think this is a lame excuse, things wouldn't get broken or go missing if people were mature for their age and took care of things that aren't their own.
I agree with you, the garage smelled like crap all weekend, but it also doesn't help when they leave the rooms open. I also noticed a sign at the elevators today complaining about the state people are leaving the garbage rooms in, it is now our responsibility to take recycling down to the garbage rooms in the garage as people are not responsible enough to break down boxes, and only throw reasonable sized items down the chute. Unfortunate that the immaturity of people in the building has to ruin everything for everyone else.

As for the cleaners I am not sure how often they are coming by, however for a few pieces of garbage I would pick it up rather then letting it sit there that long. The thing that pissed me off this weekend is somebody dropped a mirror and shattered the glass all over the middle of the hallway by the elevators. I have a dog and though it was ridiculous that they didn't clean it up and I had to pick up and carried by dog over the glass.

I agree. I did mention though, that I was curious how long it would take for the cleaners to come around - that is the only reason I didn't pick it up.
As for the loser sales guy leaving flyers in our main lobby I scooped them all up and threw them in the garbage. I will take it upon myself to always toss all advertisement I find inside our building in the trash.

Grass is going in! Hopefully it'll all be done this week.
As for people making a mess - get used to it. Soon all the gym equipment will be broken, patio chairs will be missing/broken, random things will be broken etc.

I think this is a lame excuse, things wouldn't get broken or go missing if people were mature for their age and took care of things that aren't their own.

Victor told me the other day that someone already swiped the plants and some other furniture off the patio within the first 48 hours of it being there. (I never even got to see what it looked like). Pathetic.
Not surprised. I went down to use the gym last night at night time and the main lobby doors are all completely wide open after someone had moved stuff in. I think nobody should have access to unlock the front doors except property management. I think if a resident has to gain access to the building because their swipe card doesn't work, it should only open the side doors. It seems like people keep unlocking the main door with their key to prop open both doors to move things in and then they never properly shut it and lock it again.

I already let him know on the weekend that the gym door isn't locking at all, so don't be surprised when stuff is missing from there. Skywater or Vandyk can foot the bill for that for not properly securing a door.
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I noticed the chairs missing from the patio too. Keep your eye on people's balconies, I bet we'll see them pop up soon.
I don't think any are missing, I just saw that there is an extra one on the north end and one in the middle room.

Maybe all of the furniture needs to be tied down somehow? lol

Also, Enersource bill has arrived.
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I don't think any are missing, I just saw that there is an extra one on the north end and one in the middle room.

Maybe all of the furniture needs to be tied down somehow? lol

Also, Enersource bill has arrived.

I personally didn't see what went missing. Victor told me there were plants and furniture missing. I've never seen any plants up there.

Big sod truck out front. Hopefully we'll have grass by the end of the day.
I just left and they're already like half done the grass haha

Also saw some guy going door to door and putting what looked like a stove or washer/dryer outlet at each door I guess to install later. Dunno why they'd be installing them now... Maybe it was something else though.
Also saw some guy going door to door and putting what looked like a stove or washer/dryer outlet at each door I guess to install later. Dunno why they'd be installing them now... Maybe it was something else though.

Nevermind, I'm sure you all got the recall email! Sweet privacy though, all names/emails visible haha
Yes, blind copy would have been nice.

Don't know if I want to take the risk of them pulling out the washer/dryer and the oven to get behind them. Don't want my tiles scratched up.
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Yes, blind copy would have been nice.

Don't know if I want to take the risk of them pulling out the washer/dryer and the oven to get behind them. Don't want my tiles scratched up.

They did mine today - no scratches or anything :D
