Probably. Plus I think the sidewalk and/or concrete at the street is higher than the existing asphalt if I remember correctly.

The sidewalk, stone parking area, and concrete underground entrance are all higher than the asphalt, and have temporary asphalt ramps to bridge the gap. I think they planned all along to repave it/add a finishing layer.
Was it posted somewhere that the terrace is now going to be locked after 7PM?

Seems like its locked right now for some reason!
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Gotta love the winners leaving their cups and shit near the elevators and in the elevator, didn't know it was so hard to make it to your unit to throw it out...
Just received my Vandyk 30 Day Warranty Service Report in the mail.
2 items were deemed "Not warranted":

1) A cracked floorboard which I noticed when I took over the unit. Somehow Vandyk deems this as "no apparent defect in worksmanship and/or materials" which is obviously bullshit. They're gonna get an earful from me.

2) My fav item - the gap in the unit front door. Somehow these idiots said they inspected the door and classify my front door as a "common element deficiency and should be directed to property management for resolution". Vandyk installed these doors and they're telling me to go to Skywater to repair this issue? Hilarious. I spoke to James about this in person, and he told me to put in on my 30 day form so that they take a look at it.
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They fixed 1 thing in my unit so far, so I am sure I will get something similar.
I would contact Tarion.
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Just received my Vandyk 30 Day Warranty Service Report in the mail.
2 items were deemed "Not warranted":

1) A cracked floorboard which I noticed when I took over the unit. Somehow Vandyk deems this as "no apparent defect in worksmanship and/or materials" which is obviously bullshit. They're gonna get an earful from me.

2) My fav item - the gap in the unit front door. Somehow these idiots said they inspected the door and classify my front door as a "common element deficiency and should be directed to property management for resolution". Vandyk installed these doors and they're telling me to go to Skywater to repair this issue? Hilarious. I spoke to James about this in person, and he told me to put in on my 30 day form so that they take a look at it.

I went and spoke with James:

1) they will replace the floorboard after all. Happy to hear it.

2) apparently my front door is not considered MY property, but is instead a "common element", meaning I have no right to declare to Vandyk that it needs fixing. If I had a huge hole in my front door, or had no door at all, Vandyk would apparently do nothing about it since it's a common element, not my property. I/we apparently will need to talk to some other board/inspectors (can't remember the exact term) but Vandyk is not responsible for it, and I don't even know who would pay for such a repair... regardless he said once our condo board is in place, and these others inspectors come around and find defects in "common elements" it will eventually get repaired/replaced (sounds like not on Vandyk's dollar). Such a resolution could take several months.
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1) no security in the building, no cameras in the hallways. the guy that I ran into back in March was the "site security" while the building was still in a more rudimentary building phase.

2) complaints/requests regarding amenities which should be open to all residents (eg. gym, rooftop patio) would have been reported to Skywater. aka a (presumably) small subset of our building's residents (i'd guess 1 or 2 different units) complained about the noise from the gym or the patio and requested to have it locked so that the rest of the building cannot enjoy these amenities at particular hours - unacceptable in my opinion.
I'm guessing the reason they aren't doing anything about the doors is because they are installed 'correctly' ... aka by code. I would like to think that if there was a problem with common elements (elevators, hallway fixtures, etc) installed improperly or with defects, they would be covered (either by Vandyk or the company that installed them). Unfortunately the code says gaps are needed around the entire door, and I guess they are within the needed range. Stupid..

Also it looks like the garage door is broken, or at least stuck partially closed. I barely fit in today with my van...
Paving happening next Wednesday - all cars need to move on Lolita or the building next door by 7am. I already know I'm going to forget and get my car stuck in the underground ;)

ughh.... I wonder how far down Lolita Gardens I'll have to park if I get home late tonight :(
I hope they also clean the underground garage floors while most cars are out - it's filthy in there. I leave dust/dirt on my car floormats when I get in.
I got my 30 day warranty report yesterday. Anyone know how to dispute it properly? There are things on there that I don't agree with. Do I just call James? Or is there some sort of procedure I need to follow?

Also, does anybody have a overhead light fixture in their living room? I ask because I paid for an additioanl light in my living room, because I told there would be one there already, and I wanted 2. But I only have one right now. I think now I'm being told that the one that I have is the one I paid for because no one has overhead light fixtures in the living room. So do you guys have any?
