Anyone else find the noise from that grate really loud when a car drives over it? A strip of rubber underneath it would probably help.
Been away for a while, what have I missed? Who's on the board???

And I noticed the bent grate last month. It probably bent because it doesn't seem to fit perfect (judging by the loud banging when you drive over it). I'm sure something can be done to fix that.
Jayto and Spudly1 are on it and some other lady who is in bookkeeping or accounting, so it seems like a good mix.

Bunch of winners on the patio again this weekend running and yelling. Lemme guess, they booked one side of it or something? Yet they bring all of the furniture from the other side over to there side as well.
I think last month was worse, but the party was on my side of the terrace. I heard some lady open her door tonight and tell them off when they were running down the hall lol. I have no problem with these people talking on the terrace, but keep it there, don't bring it into the hallways.

I wish my unit had been available further down the floor, but they are all near the centre near the terrace and the firedoors...
Yup that was my wife we live in front of the terrace .gotta deal with this non-sense at the first board meeting!
I agree. Noise on the terrace/balconies doesn't bother me (on weekends) - it's summer, have loud! But running through the halls screaming is annoying!

Also, got my second water heater bill. Man, what a mistake it was going with the electric heaters on the balcony.

- $34.99/month to rent the heater, plus tax ($40).
- ~$50/month during the cold months to heat the utility room (maybe October to April, $350/year)

That's $830/year! Plus any usage, remembering that electricity is more expensive than gas. Not to mention they're a pain because it takes so long to heat up the water! Everytime I wash my hands I have to stand there for 30 seconds waiting for the water to get warm. And some people didn't even get the extra storage space in the laundry closet!

If they had gone with the gas heaters, we would pay a bit more for the gas (which is dirt cheap anyway), but would've saved tons of money in the end (it would probably be like $250/year to rent)
Yeah, got my 2nd water heater bill and 2nd enersource bill. Still don't have a gas bill. Did anyone really receive an enbridge bill?? I don't have too much trouble with the water heating up, it does it sometimes in the shower going cold and then hot slightly.
The water heater should be like $15-20 a month max. $35 is ridiculous, but I know someone who has a condo in toronto and pays $45 for the one that came with their building.

They should have went with gas heaters. I think even in that balcony room, a small tank heater could have fit beside that furnace, maybe not. Rental would have been cheaper for that. I wish we were given the option of paying extra to have it owned vs rented from the start.
I heard that Victor got fired, has anybody else heard that. If so who is going to be the new superintendent, hopefully this time someone who lives in the building!
Yeah, got my 2nd water heater bill and 2nd enersource bill. Still don't have a gas bill. Did anyone really receive an enbridge bill??

No Enbridge bill for me.

I heard that Victor got fired, has anybody else heard that. If so who is going to be the new superintendent, hopefully this time someone who lives in the building!

I saw the notice that said Javier is the cleaner again, from 3-5pm on weekdays and 10-3 or something on weekends.

The hot water heaters are gas. It's the baseboard heaters in there that are electric.

Yeah, you're right! I still hate it :D
Has anyone heard anything about when they're going to finish installing the elevators (replacing light on main floor button, installing screws, making adjustments, etc)?? One of the elevators shook violently today for about 5 seconds before opening...can't be good ;)
I heard that Victor got fired, has anybody else heard that. If so who is going to be the new superintendent, hopefully this time someone who lives in the building!

Many times when I saw him he was on his cellphone, swearing, etc. Can't see why he would be fired! That Javier guy is just in charge of the cleaners, none of these people are an actual superintendent, they are just cleaning contractors hired by Skywater. I found it odd that Victor was handling peoples keys and forms on move in day, this is why everyone thought he was more then he actually was.

Harold or someone else from Skywater need to actually spend a day here once a week or something, otherwise nothing will change.

Yeah, I noticed the shaking in the elevators lately as well before the door opens. One of the doors in one of them looks pretty scrapped up on the inside as well. I would have thought they would have finished the control panels on them once they finally got the 2nd elevator working again. Can't believe tape is still around the button panel etc. They didn't even peel off all of the wrapping properly on the doors.
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Anyone have any issue with the parking garage door to the elevators? Tried the one on the right tonight and it wouldn't open with my key fob for some reason..
