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Tuesday, October 18, 2005. Page 9.

Town to Lure Millionaires by Faking History

By Conor Humphries
Staff Writer

John Thompson And Partners

The developers' diagram of the planned Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye town.

MUNICH -- A $3 billion town, twice the size of Monaco, is set to rise on a bend in the Moscow River just west of the city limits, with a citadel, an "old town" and elite suburbs of its own, according to a plan approved by the Moscow region government.

Work on Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye, population 30,000, is due to begin in late spring 2006, once construction permits for the first phase have been secured, Michael Belton, CEO of the project's developer, CMI Development, said during a presentation in Munich last week.

Financed by billionaire State Duma Deputy Suleiman Kerimov's Nafta-Moskva holding, the project calls for 2.7 square kilometers of mixed-use development on a 430-hectare site three kilometers beyond the Moscow Ring Road on Novorizhskoye Shosse.

"It's an attempt to create a more European city, which is what Moscow used to look like in the early 20th century," said Fred London, a director at British architects John Thompson & Partners, master planners on the development, after the presentation at the Expo-Real real estate conference.

A citadel at the north of the development is to be surrounded by narrow streets and canals with apartments, town houses, shops and restaurants, said London. The so-called old town is to be encircled by more spread-out suburban developments and mansions, as well as schools, a major sports center and a 100,000-square-meter business park, he said.

"We will have plenty of people who work in the park and live here and will not have to get involved with a lot of traffic, which is one of Moscow's biggest problems," London said. However, a majority of residents would likely work off-site, he said.

Depending on the sales of approximately 1,000 townhouses, apartments and detached houses in the initial phase, a decision will be made on the exact make-up of subsequent stages to be brought to the market over seven to 10 years, Belton said.

Public buildings are also planned for the administration of the future town, he said, although the question of exactly who will run the settlement -- its garbage collection, security and fire service -- is a moot point.

"In the initial phase of 220,000 square meters, there will most likely be 100 percent management by our development," Belton said, adding that later some rights were likely to be transferred the regional government. "As for a mayor, there will be something like that, but as for what [the position] will be called, we are not quite sure yet."

Initially, a panel of representatives of the investor, developer and architects is to act as a town council of sorts, passing all building designs to make sure the town retains a unified feel.

One problem the fledgling administration may encounter is visitors from less elite parts of Moscow hoping to take advantage of the pathways, riding trails and landscaped parkland by the river. A decision has not yet been made as to how access to the development will be controlled.

A marina on the Moscow River is expected to attract wealthy visitors in their yachts, who would be welcome to take advantage of the town's shops, restaurants and hotel.

As for social control, the developer is planning subsidized accommodation for those working for some of the development's facilities. There is unlikely to be much class tension between those buying into the town, with the developer estimating the price of a 200-square-meter apartment as likely to start at around $600,000.

One of the advantages of such stand-alone projects is an absence of the tension between the haves and the have-nots living in close proximity at smaller cottage developments, said Vladimir Yakhontov, deputy director of Miel Realty's suburban real estate department.

Those developments often fail to offer even the most rudimentary infrastructure, such as shops and schools, he said, leading to growing demand for larger developments that have the resources to supply them.

While Nafta-Moskva has the resources to find cheap financing for the project and secure permission to build, the bigger problem will be in finding 10,000 buyers with several hundred thousand dollars to spare, Yakhuntov said. That could take well over 20 years, he added.

"Every buyer would have to be a millionaire," he said. "And [according to government statistics] there are only 30,000 millionaires in Moscow."

Konstantin Kovalyov, managing partner at residential specialists Blackwood, agreed that poor sales would pose the biggest threat to the project, although the marketing potential of the location in the elite western suburbs would minimize such risks.

© Copyright 2005 The Moscow Times. All rights reserved.
I can't wait to see how terrible the place, if built, will turn out. The nouveau rich in Russia has consistently proved their lack of good taste, and no doubt this would fall into the pattern.

The nouveau rich everywhere are pretty tacky. As "Windsory" as I am (with whatever working class background/thinking that gives me) I'm sort of thankful for the old rich who built stuff like Rosedale and etc.
Wasn't Rosedale also a form of suburban sprawl, with large McMansions in various faux styles, when it was first laid out?

I suspect that in those distant pre-income tax days more than a few of the early Rosedale residents were self-made nouveaux riches too. The Victorian era British aristocracy was fond of marrying their daughters off to vulgar new money of the North American variety for practical financial reasons.

A couple of friends just moved into a small 1950's co-op near Craigleigh Gardens. There are a number of such buildings to be found in that part of town, hidden away between the mansions on winding, leafy, quiet boulevards. And they are to be had for a surprisingly modest amount of money, in my friend's case $280K for 1,100 sq.ft.
"The Victorian era British aristocracy was fond of marrying their daughters off to vulgar new money of the North American variety for practical financial reasons."

Wasn't that the plot in Titanic?
No, "Titanic" was: "She was called unsinkable, the biggest ever built, the most luxurious, the most expensive ..."

( Or was that Trump Tower? )
Planned subdivisions (or "towns", aka "gated communities", "master-planned communities") like these don't really surprise me. They've been sprouting all over the world for a while, first in the US, and now in places like Dubai, Russia, and the suburb outside Guangzhou, China that I visited during the summer (I posted some photos of it here).

"It's an attempt to create a more European city, which is what Moscow used to look like in the early 20th century," said Fred London, a director at British architects John Thompson & Partners, master planners on the development, after the presentation at the Expo-Real real estate conference.

Sounds like a Russian version of what Disneyland is to Americans.
Babel: Good for your friends. Craigleigh is one of the city's true hidden gems--such a perfect little park.
They checked out condos but found co-ops to be a better buy, partly because you need a larger downpayment - which keeps out people buying to "flip" and first timers who'll move out again in a few years. They've reached the point in their lives when they know what they want and what they don't want.
The problem with co-ops is that they usually don't qualify for conventional financing. Banks won't touch them with a ten foot pole - which says a lot since they're flinging cash at any over-leveraged tin-roof shack in the city these days. Purchasers, if they need to finance, end up paying uncompetitive rates (usually with credit unions). This, in turn, suppresses market value since there are fewer potential purchasers. On the other hand, if you can pay cash, you'll get a great deal - which is terrific if you intend to live there and aren't looking at the purchase as an investment.
East of Glen Road, on South Drive, right across from the Bayview/Bloor off ramp from the DVP.

I need to visit Rosedale again.
How about a Regent Park/Rosedale walk this weekend? I need to do my Regent Park photo tour before they start tearing down.
