From the middle of July. Crazy location for this crazy looking building. Basically strip malls on the main street and 3 storey apartments to the north. Really seems out of place. They had cleared the site. So is it going to get built?
I love seeing interesting projects outside of the usual suspects (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary). I really hope this one goes forward, especially now with the redesign.
I have to disagree...the new renders are quite the dramatic departure from the first and reduce the iconic tower to just another glass enclosed box that would not look out of place in Hong Kong, Toronto or Shanghai. At least in the first renders the iconic tower had enough of a flair at the crown to it to be truly distinctive and lit up at night it would have been an impressive sight. We have now gone from something that catches the eye to yet another series of box like glass towers that don't really suit Quebec City
Who in the world is going to occupy that tower? Do they have an anchor tenant for this yet? It'll never be built until they can find a large enough tenant (at least in the tower's current form). It would be very interesting to see this if it does pull through though. The design is beautiful too, it be a great addition to the city. It is very similar to Edmonton's ICE District too. Office, Residential, Hotel, and Retail. Four tower's, tallest 251m... weird.