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Feb 12, 2016
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This discussion about seoul mayor who park won sun
He re elected as mayor most long term regime seoul mayor ever!
I made this thread As skyscraper mania I am

Cause under his regime seoul TOO MANY important project stalled and go to waste box forever!
Now write this thread as like I'm suffer under bad dictatorship

He changed All seoul's city plan as like Anti development policy.
His most important policy in City plant.
Now he plant rice field in every city in steady of developing.

I gonna report about those irrational behavior
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Official Seoul prohibited huge develop in CBD forever
Seoul mayor again troll in seoul
From now on inner CBD area Can't built over 24fl building FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From now on All Project allocated zone in CBD dismiss!!
CBD area very large and wide and important of seoul!
Ruin my city!!
So no more huge develop impossible in CBD of SEOUL!
Only small&divided develop allow!
what the HACK!!
I really Hate this mayor's crazy city plan!

LAND owner benefit By this decision
Cause they no need public donation(park) when built something
huge develop asking huge public donation as park or pedestrian friendly walking board etc.
But they can divided project to many small micro project. So no need huge donation just built small ugly residences!


For example above SHinhan bank project impossible due to seoul decision preserved old building! So shinhan bank can't built HQ in there
Seoul mayor say that concrete building(left) is deserved for ever as historical building!
Not only this one but also countless project in CBD Dismiss forever by seoul mayor's decision forever!
아라뱃길 시작점. by 영섭 신, Flickr에서
ARABAEKGIL beginning spot 18km
first national canal from Incheon to Seoul han river
DSC_8718.JPG by ilho ko, Flickr에서
IMG_0311 by 지호 백, Flickr에서
first national canal from Incheon to Seoul han river
Ministry of land&transfer+minstry of water&resource Korea government investment $ 2 billions project
to made canal cruise ship way from Incheon Harbor to Seoul han river
Korea government try to made tourist sea way from china to Seoul with 1000ton

But seoul mayor prohibited cruise ship into Han river of seoul
ducks floating on hangang by Hyok Kim, Flickr에서

So now only duck ship and small boat floating Han river since national project completed 4 yeas pass.
So now All tourist(most of them chinese) who riding in cruise ship get off at KIMPO harbor and transfer with Bus for the purpose enter seoul city!
And 4 big harbor in Seoul(Yeiudo/banpo etc) under closed!
In short
Korea government made 33km(incheon 18km,Seoul 15km) canal cruise way from Incheon to Seoul for the purpose promote service&tour industry in Seoul!
but seoul mayor opposite ship into seoul So canal project can't manged and $2 billions national invest go to waste box
Still Ministry of Korea water&resource asking allow ship into han river of seoul but seoul mayor reject
Now all tourist get off ship and transfer with BUS before enter to Seoul.
Plz read this Hankuk 한국경제 economy report




Former mayor(Mr Oh sae hoon ) finished design opera house project in nodul(in the middle of han river) with $40 million and prepare under construction.
but he resign before project U/C

copyright to

copyright to
But seoul mayor changed to new person then Now seoul mayor suddenly dismiss this project and to make "green plant" on there!
$ 40 millions seoulites tax money go to waste box when opera house design disappear!
According to the OECD report Seoul is one of lowest cultural seats per citizens though. even though accoding to survey over 70% seoulite(citizens) agreed the opera house project to built in Nodul island.
Opera house project disappear by Seoul mayor alone decision!
and to make "city farming" on there!

How long has he been mayor for?
Hi there.
unfortunately Park won sun
He is longest term seoul mayor ever. Actually normal seoul mayor term is 4 years.
Bu he RE ELECTED so total 7 years regime Seoul city.
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Above article is editorial article of HANKYOUNG(korea economy news paper) about seoul mayor's recent city plan.
HANKYOUNG paper is most prominent paper in korea journal like BLOOMBERG/FT.
So below translation is not my opinions but news paper's thinking.
Plz read below my translation(EXCUSE MY BAD ENLGISH)

Seoul show us Many differents ways but excellent(?) method How to slum and falling behind seoul city!

Recently '2025 seoul city master plan" was public open by park won sun seoul mayor.
The point is to restrict building's height 90m(20fl) below inner CBD area of seoul.
Furthermore Some developing area of CBD's developing zone dismiss by 2025 seoul city master plan. Which mean to preserved old concrete building by itself instead of to redeveloping,remodeling with huge size.
Seoul mayor insist that harmony between preserved and developing.

It seems make sense when first hearing. But second thought he(mayor) guided by fault idea that "to preserved is good thing but developing is bad things!"
I think he didn't understand the spirits of city's evolution whichmean city become more develop and integration as time passing by.
Seoul mayor's plan opposite with world mega city's trend that "to release restriction,regulation" inside city such like TOKYO did.

I'm not surprised cause I(writer journalist) have been saw many ridiculous "ANTI-CITY POLICY" by park won sun mayor who propaganda 마을공동체(promote village community movement)

Also it is so funny for me to restrict new building's height as 90m below due to harmony with lowest height mountain 낙산naksan mountain's height.
Is to built 20fl building is beautiful but to built 30fl building is ugly?
He totally misunderstand deep philosophy in developing. Ironically, to built 30fl or 40fl more height building more easily to preserved old architecture and made public space!
If seoul mayor don't want 20fl uniformity skyline then he must release restrict and allow more freedom to designers/architecture right now!

If seoul mayor's plan will not withdraw then seoul will be more more "falling behind and slum"
For example around 익선동iksundong·낙원동nakwondong, 인의동ineudong·효제동hyujaedong, 종로5가jongro5 avenue, 주교동joogyodong·오장동ohjangdong·충무로5가chungmuro 5 avenue, 동대문디자인플라자(DDP dongdaemun design plaza) will be slummy as same ugly building since japan regime! Think about these area remain with development thoughtless for the environment since japan regime.
With massive capital and huge size developing is more environment friendly as by architecture technology improved.

Seoul will be slowly recession and destroy by anti developing idea "Let's it be Dirty city itself"!

Above article's writer 정규재(mr chung kyou jae) who famous journalist in korea economy.
He thinking exactly same way what i thinking.
Anti development seoul Breaking News

Now demolish process STOP due to opposite seoul mayor park won sun
finally Seoul mayor gone cr** lol
Yesterday video taken at Okbalaji development project site.

This area to develop as residence.

Seoul Joungro district office approved ALL administration procedure to this project.
But some building owners opposite demolish and file a legal sue and asking stop project.
End Up they fail in seoul civil court. and judege order to demolish begin:lol:
So all procedure is legal justified so demolish begin

HOWEVER yesterday suddenly seoul mayor go to demolish site and argue and ORDER TO STOP DEMOLISH RIGHT NOW!!!
mayor said many wording but one of them "(Block worker) Don't you know I am Seoul mayor? ....... I don't care if i file a sue! To stop demolish. From now on no more U/C" and he order to preserved old building!(<=Please look above photos's remain building most of them located in front of Main road. :lol:

This is anti develop phenomenon in seoul.
