Thank you for everyone's kind thoughts .... I think I may actually be building some excitment towards picking up my keys Solaris

I have a question, my BFF moved in...a couple days later she noticed a chip on her bathroom tile. She told Tridel and they said since she did not discover this "chip" within 24hours of moving in, there's nothing they can do. Now, I've lived in several new construction condos and I've never heard of this 24 hr crap. I also wouldn't expect this kind of thing from Tridel. Does that sound weird to you?

I am not going to start defending Tridel here, but from my understanding the standard legal process is purchasers are suppose to pickup all the deficiencies during the PDI and anything missed is "too bad", Tridel's 24 hour grace period is a bonus feature that it offers which other builders do not do ... however in your friends case, she may pose the question to Tridel by asking whether the crack was created by the construction crew after her PDI when they were in her suite doing PDI related repairs ... as a last resort she can always file it through the 30 day Tarion forms .... I do believe Tridel give a couple extra tiles related to each suite

I was hoping you'd post some PDI pics, after following your epic saga over the last few years :) Congratulations - your suite looks great!

Out of curiosity, did you have any issues with the PDI itself? Did they try to rush you out of there, or harass you about pointing out too many deficiencies, etc.?

I will give Tridel credit where it is due, and this is certainly the case .... although there has been a clear discconect/disappointment between sales marketing vs construction, their customer service team has been simply amazing, I will take the oppourtunity here to thank Mr. Marc Sammons at Tridel head office whom has help to deal with all the difficulties that I have come across, and Stephania whom did my PDI which was very patient .... we took 3 hours for our PDI and nope was definitely not rushed, it was certainly a well enjoyed experience .... in the 3 hours we toured the building, identified in suite deficiencies, mixed with various conversations and jokes ~
Wait a bit before moving in. No hot water for us on the upper floors (32-40). First few days was bliss (instant hot water) but then... for some reason the hot water disappeared for a few days, then it would come on but only after running the shower for about 10 minutes and now it's off again. The upgrade I paid for was not done properly either.

Anyways, forget this anonymous crap, we live in a vertical community for f's sake. It would be good to make some friends that you can call up/down anytime to watch a movie, work-out with or just plain hang-out with. Let's plan a small meet-up some time in September after final closings!
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I laughed reading about people's dogs shitting and urinating in common areas. With the threat of management removing the dogs if necessary. LOL
Are you serious?? Do some of these residents not have any common sense ?? They deserve to be identified and publicly humuilated
Are you serious?? Do some of these residents not have any common sense ?? They deserve to be identified and publicly humuilated


dont worry, i haven't seen this happen before
although, i've seen shirtless men working out once but just once, think they were told to dress appropriately lol
Hey I have a question for you guys. Parking on my Title Says Level B . No one including security seems to know if thats Leve 2 or P2 . Anyone know?
Hey I have a question for you guys. Parking on my Title Says Level B . No one including security seems to know if thats Leve 2 or P2 . Anyone know?
The soundproofing isn't bad from the neighbours next to you. I haven't heard a thing from my neighbours to the right and left. ALTHOUGH! i hear noise from above, has anyone experience this, not sure if this is normal but i hear them walk time to time! sounds like they wear heels or something, not sure what it is...

I constantly hear the people above me moving around as well; and they are always dropping things!! At night I always hear the TV blaring through the bedroom wall from the neighbors to the left of me - always until 3-4am :(
I constantly hear the people above me moving around as well; and they are always dropping things!! At night I always hear the TV blaring through the bedroom wall from the neighbors to the left of me - always until 3-4am :(

welcome to communal living in the current age of flimsy wall construction between units !
welcome to communal living in the current age of flimsy wall construction between units !

Pretty much. I've gotten used to hearing my neighbour's vaccuum every morning at 8AM. Then there's my neighbour's alarm every morning. Then on the other side is the neighbour who likes to throw parties.

Can't really blame the developers since they're asked to do the bare minimum when it comes to soundproofing. Quebec requires higher STC ratings between units.

STC ratings between units should be around 65-70. However, code is 50...which is crap. Some buildings use cement block which is much better than poured cement.
Pretty much. I've gotten used to hearing my neighbour's vaccuum every morning at 8AM. Then there's my neighbour's alarm every morning. Then on the other side is the neighbour who likes to throw parties.

Can't really blame the developers since they're asked to do the bare minimum when it comes to soundproofing. Quebec requires higher STC ratings between units.

STC ratings between units should be around 65-70. However, code is 50...which is crap. Some buildings use cement block which is much better than poured cement.

where can we find these building codes?
