i'm on the 16'th floor and the hardwood floors come standard, except for the bedroom. It was $1200 to get hardwood floor in the bedroom instead of carpet over concrete. I upgraded the backsplash and it was a little over $800. Because i was over a certain floor i got free marble and granite floor and countertop upgrades for the washroom. overall i have to pay $2700 in upgrades but it is worth it.
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Thanks Uniquink!
I'm just a floor bellow you so already got a chance to look at all the finishes and upgrades...:)
i spent just over 800 for a white marble backslpash
1200 for hardwood throughout the entire unit (except the laundry room will be white tile that cannot be upgraded) , also to upgrade the tub and shower head to a proper glass shower with a rain head was 2900!!
then another 100 to have them install wires in the master bedroom so i would be able to install a light fixture because that is not included all in with hst just over 6200.
Did anyone go for the california closet? just asking
I got the California Closets all the 3 closets (master, guest room and front closet) but I got them included in price when i bought the condo. I can only imagine that it would have been over priced like most things were.
Soo exciting...I just got my Move In Date. It is no longer tentative but a firm date ...November 22nd, 2011..they pushed it back couple of more months but it's all good...Can't wait..and I wonder if the gym, pool etc. will be ready too..

Excitttinnggg :)
I believe all the ameneties and retail is to be ready before occupancy... That is what they mentioned to me some time ago... I believe thats why the occupancy is pushed a bit.
So it looks like they have pushed the move 2 months, but it seems like its going quite quickly... I think they mentioned a week per floor... By the sounds of it, its more like a floor a day...
Matori, I don't think it's even floor per day...we're on the 15th floor and for us it's Dec 2nd.
I'm not sure what to make of it...
I think we all just cant wait to move in!

Knock on wood the delay - in my opinion - hasn't been serious. When I picked up the unit in Aug 08, they said occupancy June 11... Considering its 5 months "behind" schedule from their prediction 3 years ago, I am not too frustrated.
