The crash wall requirements mean no window on to the tracks. There's a front page story up now about the art unveiling at Southcore - and the latest pics of the expansion to the west side.

re: 18 York/PWC

Looks like someone tagged the concrete columns and the cleaning wasn't 100% effective. Shouldn't they have treated it with anti-graffiti coating(s) beforehand?

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Toronto does office building lobbies better then most North American cities I find. Check out Huston for example, many relatively new shiny buildings but most have fairly unimpressive lobbies.
Why shouldn't office towers have retail in their podiums? They have them now in the CBD and it makes the area much nicer to walk in. The more new stores and restaurants that open there, the better the pedestrian traffic is. I've noticed Bay Street is a lot more busy than it used to be, even at night. It just feels safer to walk there now.
This tower is bland from far away but has beautiful details and materials which can be enjoyed up-close, and has a very subtly handsome lighting setup at night. Here's some shots I took tonight:





